Despite many efforts of the government, incidents of ragging keep coming to the fore in the country. Admission in colleges and universities is in the final stage. In such a situation, new students should know the rules and regulations regarding ragging and it is also important for old students to know that if they do ragging with a new student admitted in the college, then they will have to face the punishment.
University Grant Commission i.e. UGC has implemented many rules to stop ragging. Along with this, the government has made the laws strict. Let us know about it in detail.
What is ragging?
Anywhere from the hostel to the class room, remarks made with a student on the basis of his colour, dress are taken under the ambit of ragging.
Making unethical remarks regarding regionalism, language, stature etc.
Apart from the name of the student, calling him by any name which he does not like is ragging.
Humiliating because of family background, poverty etc. is also ragging.
Giving strange tasks to new students and forcing them to complete them.
Beating, chopping hair, cocking, torturing in any other way.
Making indecent gestures, hurling abuses while walking, misbehaving in the hostel-classroom.
Overall, any such incident that hurts the feelings of new students.
Where to complain?
Every educational institution now has an anti-ragging committee. Any student can meet any member of this committee and register a complaint. Teaching-non-teaching staff, parents, students, local police officers, media personnel are also there in this committee. It has also been made mandatory to have a female member. This committee forms a squad, which keeps an eye on any such incident. According to the rules of UGC, there are boards with rules and regulations regarding ragging in every institute. Institutes have now started taking affidavits from students and parents about ragging at the time of admission.
Following the instructions of the Supreme Court, the UGC has given instructions not to be negligent in this matter. If the aggrieved student is not satisfied with the action taken by the Anti Ragging Committee, he/she can also lodge a complaint by going to the nearest police station. The police also keep a watchful eye in this matter. There is no delay in action. Students can also write to UGC.
What is the punishment for ragging?
UGC has fixed punishment for this on its behalf.
If found guilty, can be suspended from the class.
Other government facilities including scholarship can be stopped.
The evaluation and result of the examination can be withheld.
Can be suspended or expelled from the hostel.
Can be prevented from participating in any international, national competition.
Admission may also be cancelled.
Possible ban on admission elsewhere after being expelled from one institution
Possible financial penalty ranging from 25 thousand to one lakh rupees
There is also a provision for collective punishment under ragging.
State governments have also made laws
Different state governments have made their own rules and regulations regarding ragging. In these, strict provisions ranging from imprisonment to fine have been made. However, these may vary state-wise. The state in which the institute is established, along with the UGC, the laws made by the state government will be applicable. Tripura government has made provision of imprisonment for four years, Maharashtra for two years, Uttar Pradesh for two years, Chhattisgarh for five years and all the states have also made provision for fine.
Ban on ragging in the country
The Supreme Court has banned ragging in the year 2001 itself. Despite this the ragging did not stop. Complaints of ragging have become common from some corner of the country. Incidents of assault, mental harassment, even suicides of students came to the fore.
In the year 2009, student Aman Kachru died after ragging in Rajendra Prasad Medical College. There was a ruckus in the country after the incident. Then the Supreme Court had asked to make strict rules and regulations. Since then, institutions like State Governments, UGC, AICTE gave this responsibility to the educational institutions present across the country. Ragging has been banned to a great extent recently. Awareness has also come.