Everyone waits for Rakshabandhan throughout the year. With the start of Sawan, people start waiting for Raksha Bandhan. The holy festival of Rakhi is celebrated on the full moon of Sawan. Now only 1 day is left in the festival of Rakhi. In such a situation, the fame of Rakhi is being seen in the markets as well. Sisters are choosing their favorite rakhis to decorate on their brother's wrist. But till now people are wondering when to celebrate Raksha Bandhan. Some are saying that the festival of Rakshabandhan is on Wednesday i.e. on 30th August, whereas many people are talking about celebrating the festival on 31st August. In such a situation, which day and auspicious time is right to tie Rakhi, remove the confusion here.
Bhadra will not be overshadowed this time on Raksha Bandhan
Due to the shadow of Bhadra, people are not able to decide on which day it will be auspicious to tie rakhi on brother's wrist. Renowned astrologer of Prayagraj, Pandit Devendra Prasad Tripathi says that with full moon date on 30th August, it is auspicious time to tie rakhi from 9.1 am to 12.00 am. While the Pandits of Kashi say that the whole day is Bhadra, that is why the auspicious time to tie Rakhi is after 9 o'clock in the night. The festival of Raksha Bandhan can be celebrated from 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock in the night. At the same time, many pundits say that August 31 is an auspicious time to tie Rakhi.
What is Pandit ji's opinion about tying Rakhi?
Pandit Devendra Prasad Tripathi says that on August 31, the sisters will get very little time to tie Rakhi. Actually, this day is auspicious time till 7 am only. That is why it is not possible to tie rakhi in the early hours. That's why it would be better to tie Rakhi in the night of 30th August. They say that if the auspicious time is missed while tying Rakhi on 31st August then it can be inauspicious. That's why sisters should tie rakhi on their brother's wrist only in auspicious time.
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