Vulnerability on Intel CPUs: Intel processors are very popular all over the world and they are used in all laptops and desktops. Meanwhile, a surprising news related to Intel processor is coming out. Indeed, Daniel Moghimi, a senior research scientist at the University of California San Diego, has discovered a flaw called "downfall" in Intel's internal chip design. That is, some flaw has been found in the processor, which hackers can take advantage of to hack your data. Daniel informed the company about this and Intel has acknowledged the issue.
Researchers have found some flaws in both Intel's mainstream and server-class processors. Researchers said that if these chips are combined with compromised software, hackers can access sensitive information. The company has given this threat a CVSS score of 6.5, which indicates a medium severity.
Intel released security patch
Moghimi told that everyone on the internet is affected by it. The company has acknowledged the issue and published a list of affected processors. Intel has also released an update to fix the security issue and has asked affected users to update their firmware to stay safe. We also appeal to you to update your computer immediately and install all security updates immediately.
There can be an impact on performance
Software fixes issued by the company may affect the performance of the system. It has been said in the report that performance can be affected by up to 50 percent. Let me tell you, the software fix is an optional update. Those who want to retain the full potential of the chips can ignore this update. This is not the first time when a flaw has been found in Intel's processor. Even before this, flaws have been found in Intel's chips many times and the company has released updates for the users.
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