After the historic success of Bollywood actor Sunny Deol, the buzz of 'Gadar 2' is being seen everywhere. The fruit of waiting for 22 years has come in the hands of Sunny Deol. 'Gadar 2' has made the makers happy by collecting 300 crores. A lot of excitement is being seen among the fans for the film. The pair of Tara and Sakina has once again won the hearts of the fans. Meanwhile, another big news has come out for the fans of Sunny Deol.
After 'Gadar 2', now Sunny Deol is coming with 'Border 2'. According to a web portal, Sunny Deol has joined hands with JP Dutta and Nidhi Dutta. This trio is coming together to bring India's biggest war film Border 2 in front of the audience. Anyone who has seen Sunny Deol's film Border is crazy about this film. Border is one of the most historic blockbuster films of Indian cinema.
If the second part of this film is made, then it is no less than a bang news for the fans of Sunny Deol. Let me tell you, for the last 2-3 years the team is discussing the sequel of Border. But now it is believed that the makers have tightened their gear and they are going to make an official announcement of this film soon. According to the information received, the team has found a story of the Indo-Pak war of 1971. Which has not yet been shown on the big screen. Now this story can be shown in Border 2 in a wonderful way.
Border 2 will be jointly produced by JP Dutta and Nidhi Dutta. If the news is to be believed then the makers are planning to partner with a studio for Border 2. Soon the work on the scripting of the film will be started. Let's talk, amidst the banging success of Gadar 2, this news is going to make the fans very happy. It is believed that the kind of love that the audience has showered on Gadar 2, the same kind of love will be given to Border 2 as well.
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