Veg eaters may be at risk of brain stroke! Learn from experts what is the reason and warning science - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Veg eaters may be at risk of brain stroke! Learn from experts what is the reason and warning science

Although vegetarian food is very beneficial for our health, but sometimes due to this the problem of brain stroke can also arise, let us tell you how.

Warning Signs Of Brain Stroke:  Whatever we eat and drink definitely affects our health, that's why doctors also say that we should take a healthy diet. In which vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs and fiber are found in plenty, but do you know that sometimes due to lack of nutrients in food, there can be a problem of brain stroke. Yes, today we tell you the early science of brain stroke and its causes.

Do vegetarian people have brain stroke 

Most of the people in our society are vegetarian, so it is common for them to be deficient in Vitamin B12. According to experts, the risk of brain stroke increases due to deficiency of vitamin b12, because it increases homocysteine ​​and it helps in coagulating blood and due to this, cases of brain stroke are found more in vegetarian people. .

Early warning of brain stroke

Transient ischemic attack comes before brain stroke, which means minor stroke. In minor stroke, the eyesight decreases, but it can also be cured in a few seconds. Apart from this, there may be weakness in the hands and feet or stiffness of the body. We should never ignore these early science and we should immediately contact the doctor if we see any such symptoms. Experts also believe that if the patient is admitted to the hospital within three to four and a half hours after identifying early signs, then his recovery can be complete.

Due to brain stroke 

The biggest reason for brain stroke is high blood pressure, rapid pumping of blood in the body can be dangerous for the brain and when blood does not reach the brain properly, it can cause brain stroke. Apart from this, this problem is also becoming common in people suffering from diabetes, cholesterol and obesity.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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