Recently a report went viral on social media according to which it was being claimed that Indian team's star batsman Virat Kohli is charging Rs 11.45 crore for one of his Instagram posts. That is, Kohli is earning Rs 11.45 crore by posting a post on the social media app Instagram. This report came to the fore, it became viral on social media like a wild fire, but now Virat Kohli himself has called this report nonsense.
Yes, Virat Kohli has termed any such report as false and incorrect. Virat made it clear by sharing a tweet from his official Twitter account. He wrote, 'Although I am grateful and indebted to whatever I have received in life, but the news that is going on about my social media earning is not true.'
Let us tell you that Virat Kohli has 235 million followers on the popular social media app Instagram. Virat is also very active on Instagram, due to which there has always been a desire among fans to know about Virat Kohli's earnings from social media. Significantly, at present Virat Kohli is on rest from international duty. This is because in the coming time, the Indian team has to play big tournaments like Asia Cup and ODI World Cup.
Talk about the Indian team, at present the Blue Army is playing T20 series with the West Indies under the leadership of Hardik Pandya. After the West Indies tour is over, the Indian team will visit Ireland where they will play a three-match T20 series from 18 October. Star bowler Jasprit Bumrah will also be seen on this tour, who was away from cricket due to injury for a long time. Bumrah will also take over the captaincy of the team on the tour of Ireland.
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