Ratna, a resident of Lucknow, is working in an MNC in Mumbai. He got a call two days ago. The person in front introduced himself as an officer of the Narcotics Bureau. He told that Ratna's name has come up in a drug case. He will have to immediately deposit one lakh rupees as security. If he does not do so, his arrest is certain. The team is leaving the office shortly. Ratna, who works in MNC, had money in her account. Without thinking ahead, Ratna asked the caller how to transfer the money.
The thug immediately sent the bank account number. Ratna sent him one lakh rupees. After a while the call came again. Now the thug said that the recovery is higher in the case in which your name has appeared. The bail amount will be Rs 3 lakh. Ratna contacted her father, who was holding a senior position in Lucknow, and asked him to transfer Rs 1 lakh immediately. It was the daughter's case, the father transferred Rs 1 lakh without any enquiry. Now Ratna has transferred two lakh more rupees. After sending three lakh rupees to the swindler, Ratna informed the swindler and heaved a sigh of relief. Then he called his father again and told him the whole matter in detail. It was daytime. A friend was sitting with him. After hanging up the phone, the father narrated the whole story to him in a worried tone. The friend found something black in the lentils. Both the friends together told the whole story to a senior police officer friend.
Action on the suggestion of police officer
Some action was taken on the suggestion of the police officer. First the bank was contacted. Request to stop payment. Till then other members of the house, some relatives also became active. If the family is influential, then all the work is done quickly. Payment went on hold. Three lakhs of this family were saved but what the bank disclosed was shocking. It is three or four days old. In a single day, Rs 34 lakhs were received in the given account and Rs 30 lakhs were also withdrawn from it. The bank would also have monitored that account and reported suspicious activities as per its rules, but listen to the story further.
Anyone can fall into the trap
When the police officer friend came to know about the fund transfer being on hold, on his suggestion, an FIR was suggested to be lodged in Mumbai in this matter. Anyone can fall for such a trap anytime. Because the arm of the law is long. No man wants to get into a legal tussle, Ratna might also have transferred the funds with the same intention. Alone daughter away from home, didn't want any ruckus so transferred the money. But, there is a clear mistake here.
this is how error happens
IPS officer Dr. Arvind Chaturvedi, who has been working on cybercrime for years, says that there is a mistake every moment in this matter. Know how?
Ratna works in MNC. Meaning she is an educated daughter. His father is also a senior government official. Despite this, Ratna transferred the money without thinking, without delay, without telling anything to anyone. When the demand came again, when he was short of money, he asked for money from his father. Every father who has money in his account will definitely give it to his daughter on her demand. Ratna's father also sent money without enquiry.
From the point of view of awareness, every citizen of the country, including Ratna, has to understand that no government agency tells about depositing the security deposit over the phone. If there is really an FIR of drugs registered against someone, then the agency will first arrest him. Will send to jail after questioning. During the process of bail, there is talk of bail amount and surety. Courts never deposit cash. She keeps a copy of FD, car, bike papers etc.
Any youth like Ratna should first inform his family when such a situation arises. Do not take decisions at your level alone. It is possible that Ratna's father would have tried to understand the situation by calling on the same number or might have found out the truth through his contacts. Since he is holding a high position in the government, he would have ensured that Ratna will not transfer even a single rupee without my permission. I'll see
Dr. Chaturvedi has appealed as a police officer to be alert whenever a call comes in the name of any government agency asking for money. In 99.99 percent of the cases, they are thugs only. If any .01 percent person from the government system is giving you information then he will not ask about transferring funds. Even if there is greed for bribe in his mind. The trap of thugs can be avoided only with minor precautions. They are roaming freely in the market. It would be better to immediately inform the police about any such action.
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