Amazing! Sheep grazed 272 kg ganja crop mistaking it for grass, then started doing strange things. - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Amazing! Sheep grazed 272 kg ganja crop mistaking it for grass, then started doing strange things.

A very strange case has come to light in Greece. Here a herd of sheep ate the hemp crops thinking it to be grass, after which they started doing such strange things that even their owner was surprised to see them.

There are many types of intoxicants in the world, which people consume indiscriminately. Although there is a ban on the consumption of many intoxicants in India, people still consume them secretly. Many of these intoxicants are so intoxicating that after consuming them, people forget the whole world and sometimes even start doing strange things. However, these intoxicants not only affect humans but also affect animals equally. One such case is much discussed these days. This case is quite interesting and surprising too.

Actually, what happened is that some sheep were grazing grass in Almyros, Greece, but little did they know that while grazing the grass, they would also eat something which would make them intoxicated. According to the New York Post report, the sheep chewed the hemp leaves thinking they were grass and that too not just a little, but together they cleaned 272 kg of hemp leaves. After this, he became so intoxicated that he started doing strange things.

Chewed hemp thinking it was ordinary leaves

According to reports, recently Hurricane Daniel had wreaked havoc in Greece. It was because of this storm that the sheep got trapped in the field. In such a situation, she saw a room built in the fields itself, where she went to escape the storm. Now, since there were a lot of leaves kept in that room, the sheep thought that they were ordinary leaves and started chewing them. Gradually she ate more than two hundred and fifty kilos of leaves. After this she suddenly started jumping and doing strange things.

The owner of the farm beat his head

Actually those leaves were of cannabis, from which charas is made. According to reports, these marijuana leaves were kept for medical use, but the sheep destroyed everything. The owner of the farm told that when he saw this scene, he too was shocked and also beat his head that he had suffered such a huge loss.

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