Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Ramesh Bidhuri used abusive words for Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) MP Danish Ali in the Lok Sabha. While speaking on Chandrayaan-3, BJP MP used very objectionable and unparliamentary words. Rajnath Singh had to express regret for Ramesh Bidhuri. He said that if Ramesh Bidhuri has said anything objectionable then it should be removed from the record and I express my regret.
In fact, some opposition MPs had raised questions on PM Modi giving credit for Chandrayaan-3. Ramesh Bidhuri was saying that the AIIMS and other institutions that have been built in the country have been built by the people of the country, then why are they all in the name of one family. Similarly, if the credit for the success of Chandrayaan is being given to Modi ji, then why are you feeling pain in your stomach? When Danish Ali was interrupting, Ramesh Bidhuri used very objectionable words.
27 years of wait is over
The Women's Reservation Bill, which was waiting to be passed by the Parliament for 27 years, got success. After the Lok Sabha, the bill was also passed by the Rajya Sabha. There is a provision for 33 percent reservation for women in the lower house of Parliament and state assemblies. Rajya Sabha unanimously approved the related Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Amendment) Bill, 2023 after about 10 hours of discussion. 214 members voted in favor of the bill. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was present in the House at the time of passing of the bill.
The law will be known as Nari Shakti Vandan Act
72 members participated in the discussion. The House rejected various amendments moved by the opposition by voice vote. Lok Sabha had passed it on Wednesday itself. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that this bill related to women's reservation, if it becomes law, will be known as Nari Shakti Vandan Act.
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