Bollywood actor Firoz Khan had his own charm. Whatever film he was in, he used to steal the limelight. He was known more for his style than his acting. Firoz Khan's birth anniversary is on 25th September. Many celebs wished him on this occasion. Celina Jaitley has wished Firoz Khan a happy birthday by sharing a post on Instagram. Let us tell you, along with her acting career in Bollywood, Celina won the title of 'Femina Miss India' in 2001. Her first film was with Firoz Khan's son named 'Jaansheen'.
Celina wrote on the Instagram post- “Happy birthday to my guru, my friend, my soulmate Mr. Firoz Khan.” Further, while sharing an incident, Celina said - After being runner-up in 'Miss Universe', the first thing she got was a call from Janasheen. Celina said - A few hours after becoming the runner up in the Miss Universe contest, Firoz called her at 4:30 in the morning and congratulated her. Along with this he asked him to come back and meet him.
Celina Jaitley with Firoz Khan
After returning from the contest…
After returning from the contest, Celina met him at his farmhouse in Bengaluru. Celina's father was also in Bengaluru at that time, further Celina says that Firoz Khan met her father as if they had known each other all their lives.
This style icon of Bollywood who has done more than 60 films
At one time, Firoz Khan was also considered the style icon of Bollywood. Till date no one has been able to compete with his style. He has worked in more than 60 films. Although he also played lead roles, he was seen in supporting roles in most of the films. But Firoz Khan's personality was such that he used to overshadow his co-stars. The actor got a lot of respect in the industry.
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