Hairfall happening after delivery? Know Ayurvedic remedies to prevent hair fall - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Thursday, September 21, 2023

Hairfall happening after delivery? Know Ayurvedic remedies to prevent hair fall

It is estimated that a new mother loses around 400 hairs a day. Whereas an average woman loses 80-100 hairs in a day. Although this is a temporary problem.

Hair Fall After Delivery:   Many changes occur in a woman's body after pregnancy and delivery. On one hand there is the joy of becoming a mother and on the other hand one has to deal with many challenges. These challenges are related to both mental and physical health. One of these problems is hair fall. After pregnancy, most women face this problem. It is estimated that a new mother loses around 400 hairs a day. Whereas an average woman loses 80-100 hairs in a day. Let us know why there is more hairfall after pregnancy and what are the ways to avoid it…

Reasons for hair fall after pregnancy

According to Ayurveda experts, this problem is medically called Postpartum Telogen Effluvium. This comes under those problems which occur in women due to hormonal changes occurring during pregnancy. In this, women lose a lot of hair. In fact, due to the continuous increase in the levels of estrogen and progesterone at the beginning of pregnancy, the process of hair growth continues. Due to which women's hair becomes thicker and shinier than before. But after the child is born, the level of estrogen falls and hair starts falling. However, gradually this problem also gets cured. You can get relief from this problem with some Ayurvedic remedies.

Ayurvedic remedy to stop hair fall

Head massage with herbal oil and serum

Side effects of treatments using organic products are rarely seen. These improve hair growth. If you regularly massage your head with Ayurvedic oils like Bhringraj, Brahmi or Amla, hair fall reduces.

Use of Ayurvedic supplements

Some Ayurvedic supplements like Ashwagandha, Shatavari or Triphala prevent hair fall caused by hormones to a great extent. This improves the health of hair. However, before using these things, definitely take the advice of experts.

Herbal shampoo will stop hair fall

For hair growth and conditioning, one should choose mild and herbal shampoos along with conditioners which are free from sulphates and parabens. Use the products after having complete information about them. Avoid using any chemical based products in hair.

take care of hair

Herbal hair masks nourish the scalp and hair well. Many types of problems are solved by this. Herbal hair mask is beneficial for hair. Mixing herbs like Amla, Shikakai, Brahmi or Fenugreek in it can reduce hair fall.

Keep these things in mind while taking care of hair

The problem of hair fall in women after the birth of a child gets cured after a few days. Therefore, by eating nutritious diet, controlling stress level and using right Ayurvedic remedies, you can reduce hair fall. In such a situation, do not be hasty in using any products. This makes hair strong and beautiful.

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