Health: Do you feel light sleep after eating bread in the afternoon? You may get these 2 dangerous diseases - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Health: Do you feel light sleep after eating bread in the afternoon? You may get these 2 dangerous diseases

Sleep after lunch:
If you are also feeling sleepy after eating bread in the afternoon, then it is not normal. If this happens every second or third day, it is a sign that many diseases are developing in the body. In such a situation, you need to get this problem treated.

Sleepy After Eating: Many people suddenly feel sleepy after eating in the afternoon. If you are at home, this is not a problem, but when you are in office or outside, it becomes difficult to control sleep. Most people think that falling asleep after eating is a common thing, but it is not so. This sleepiness is a sign of diseases in the body. Doctors say that some people start feeling sleepy after eating roti. This happens because most of the people's bread is made only of wheat flour. If the flour is highly processed then its glycemic index increases which suddenly increases the sugar level in the body. Due to which the person becomes tired and starts feeling sleepy.

If a person feels sleepy after eating food and this is happening every day, then this problem should not be taken lightly. If this problem persists then they should consult a doctor. Do not ignore it considering it as a normal thing.

Danger of these two diseases


Dr. Ajit Jain at Rajiv Gandhi Hospital tells that roti has more carbohydrates. Carbohydrate starts absorbing tryptophan (amino acid). This causes fatigue in the body and leads to sleep. After eating roti, the sugar level in the body of some people suddenly starts increasing. When the sugar increases, it automatically causes fatigue and sleep. Increasing sugar level every day is a sign of diabetes.

Insulin also increases rapidly after eating. Due to this the sleep hormones of the body become active. Which causes sleep. People think that diabetes is caused by low production of insulin, but in some cases, high production of insulin can also be related to type-2 diabetes.


If you feel sleepy after eating food, it can also be a symptom of thyroid disease. Overactive or underactive thyroid hormone is also related to fatigue and weakness. In such a situation, the problem of sleepiness in the afternoon should not be ignored. People suffering from this problem should consult a doctor.

protect yourself like this

Dr. Deepak Kumar Suman at Safdarjung Hospital says that falling asleep after eating in the afternoon is not a common thing. If this problem persists then you need to make changes in your routine. For this, keep these 4 things in mind.

get a good night's sleep

Can have light meal in the afternoon

Include fiber rich foods in your diet

Avoid eating fat and carb foods in the afternoon

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