CM Yogi Adityanath: It has been decided to take out a palanquin procession on the occasion of the 228th death anniversary of Lokmata Devi Ahilyabai Holkar of Indore city, the financial capital of Madhya Pradesh. This journey is going to be very special because Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is going to participate in this palanquin journey. He has also given his consent. Utsav coordinator Sudhir Dedge told that Sumitra Mahajan has informed about CM Yogi's arrival in the committee meeting.
CM Yogi Adityanath gave consent to Ahilyotsav committee
It is being told that yesterday i.e. on Wednesday, CM Yogi Adityanath has given verbal consent to Ahilya Samiti to participate in the palanquin yatra to be held in Indore. This yatra will be taken out on 13th September on the occasion of 228th death anniversary of Goddess Ahilyabai Holkar in which many people will participate. After the Palki Yatra, many main programs are also going to be organized which will be held at Rabindra Natya Grih.
This is the route and venue of the yatra
Ahiyotsav committee has started preparations for this. Now the program decided earlier is being changed once again. Earlier, the program was going to be organized at the same place from where it was decided to take out the Yatra, but now after taking out the Yatra from Gandhi Hall to Rajwada, the program will be organized at Rabindra Natya Grih.
It is noteworthy that the committee was given by Yogi Adityanath two days ago. But the committee had already printed the posters of this program and now after making changes, they will be printed again. Not only this, if Yogi Nath comes to Indore, a large crowd of people may gather to see him and listen to him, keeping this in mind, concrete arrangements are being made by the committee. Yogi Adityanath's arrival in Indore before the upcoming elections is considered important.
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