Life of paralyzed patients will change, whatever they think will be written on the computer. - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Thursday, September 21, 2023

Life of paralyzed patients will change, whatever they think will be written on the computer.

Paralysis disease: In paralysis disease, there is blockage in the nerves of a person's brain. Because of this some part of the body stops working. If there is clotting in the left side of the brain then the patient is unable to speak.

What is the condition of a paralysis patient, only that patient can know. Sometimes he cannot think and sometimes he cannot do anything even after thinking. But every new experiment has claimed to do something that whatever the paralyzed patient thinks will now be written on his computer. Approval has been received from a board to start recruitment for the first human trial of brain transplant for paralyzed patients. Dr. Sumit Singh, senior neurophysician of Artemis Hospital, told that work on this technology has been going on since 2016, in which permission for human trials has now been granted.

What is the technology behind it

Dr. Sumit Singh said that there are still many such devices which send micro electrical waves into the brain such as brain stimulations or spinal cord stimulations. In this the matter will be opposite as I understand that it contains the electrical energy of the brain, the chip will pick it up and convert it into electrical energy. Amidst all this, it is possible to establish contact with the motherboard of a computer through radio frequency. This would be the opposite of what we normally do: we increase or decrease the amount of current going to the electrodes that are injected into the brain with radio frequency. In this, the reverse will happen, in this the patient's thoughts will generate an electricity which will be converted into radio frequency which will be read by the computer by establishing contact with the microprocessor.

How will this device work?

Dr. Sumit Singh said that this device which has been named Neuro Link, research on it has been going on for a long time but recently the company has been given permission for human trials. He said that in research, first animal trials are conducted and after animal trials, it is checked whether the patient is safe or not. This is colloquially called Phase 1 trial. After that it is tried to see whether it is effective or not. Its called phase 2 trials and then comes phase 3 trials. After that, if the product is effective, it goes to the regulatory authorities and then comes into the market.

Neurolink is currently in Phase One trial and has applied for it. There is a chip in it which will be inserted in the brain by a robot and the chip which will be inserted through the robot will somehow communicate with an external communicator and whether it is capable of operating a computer or any other device or not. Will check the matter.

Dr. Sumit said that you should understand that your thoughts will be linked with a computer in which the computer will perform activities and a human being will be able to move the computer or move any equipment without moving his hands.

What happens when paralysis occurs?

Doctor Sumit Singh told that if we talk about paralysis, it is of two types. One in which the veins of our brain either get blocked or the blood vessels burst. If this happens, the patient's ability to think and understand is lost. One side of his body becomes paralyzed. If there is by chance bleeding or clotting on the left side, then he will have paralysis of the right side and he will not be able to speak, he will not be able to understand, on the contrary, if he has had a paralysis attack or bleeding or clotting on the right side, then there will be paralysis of the left side. Body will be paralyzed.

In such a situation, the patient will be able to understand as well as speak, this is called cortical paralysis. Which we call Lagva in common colloquial language. Apart from this, sometimes what happens is that our nerves become so weak that the patient gradually becomes unable to move even a single part of his body.

Big examples can be seen

Like Metaneuron Disease… Dr. Sumit said that you must have heard that Stephen Hawking had Metaneuron Disease. His body was completely paralyzed, only one of his fingers could move, but his brain was completely healthy. Amidst all this he also discovered the black hole. There are many patients who meet with accidents by chance. His spinal cord is completely damaged and his hands and arms stop moving from the neck down. There are many types of paralytic attacks, in which there are some attacks in which the brain remains completely normal and the body stops moving and there are some in which there is body damage on one side and the person is unable to think and understand completely. goes.

your thinking will be on the computer screen

Dr. Sumit Singh said that it has to be seen that the first and most important thing is the safety and how effective something is. For example, if the chip starts working properly then whatever comes to your mind will be written on the front computer. He said that in Neurolin devices, it will move if the patient is connected to a robot, then the patient will be able to connect only by the will power of the robot or we can say that the robot will be able to connect only by the will power of the patient and then by the verbal command of the patient. He will be able to work further. This may be seen in the coming days.

It has no effect on the body

Dr. Sumit Singh said that brain recovery cannot be done in any way with this chip, it will only work to convert the thought process of the patient into commands. There will be no improvement in physical activity. There should be no such expectations at present.

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