Saffron, one of the most expensive spices in the world, is also good for the skin. Saffron brings natural glow to your skin. Many people use beauty products containing saffron for healthy skin. But many of these products are full of chemicals. In such a situation, you can make night cream with saffron at home also. Many other things like aloe vera are also used in it.
It is very easy to make this cream. You can keep it in the fridge. By using this cream, skin related problems like blemishes and spots go away.
Make saffron cream like this
Take 2 spoons of aloe vera gel. 20 saffron threads. Take one spoon almond skin oil, 2 vitamin E capsules and 1 spoon rose water. Now keep the saffron in a tissue paper and close it. Heat it on the pan for a minute. Now open this paper and take out saffron. Mix everything. Saffron night cream will be prepared like this. Use this face cream after cleansing your face at night.
dark circle problem
Due to bad lifestyle, many people have dark circles under their eyes. In such a situation, use of this cream can prove beneficial. Saffron works like a medicine. This will help in reducing dark circles.
to remove blemishes
Many times acne leaves very stubborn spots on the face. In such a situation, use this cream. It removes the blemishes and spots from your skin. Brings natural glow to your face.
for acne
Saffron contains elements which provide relief from problems like pimples and acne. If you are troubled by pimples then saffron will be very beneficial for your skin. Other things used in this cream like Vitamin E oil and aloe vera benefit the skin.
For glowing skin
Saffron has anti-oxidant properties. Regular use of this cream will bring natural glow to your skin.
to remove tanning
By using this cream you will also get relief from tanning. This cream also has sunscreen and moisturizing properties. They also protect you from the harm of harmful UV rays. This cream works for skin lightening. Enhances your complexion.