If you are feeling lethargic in the morning, but by evening you become full of energy. So you may remain awake all night. This pattern of sleep is known as chronotype. One-third of type 2 diabetes is linked to unhealthy and unhealthy lifestyle. Research published in 'Journal Annals of Internal Medicine' found that even though many people are unable to sleep early at night.
There is a risk of diabetes
They adopt unhealthy lifestyles like smoking, less physical activity or excessive alcohol consumption. But compared to those people, the risk of diabetes increases in them. The initial increase was 19 percent even when all lifestyle factors were removed. Lead author Sina Kiyanersi, a postdoctoral research fellow at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, said people who wake up at night have a 72 percent increased risk of developing diabetes over an eight-year period.
Genetic causes of diabetes
There are genetic reasons behind diabetes. Diabetes can also occur due to less sleep. This is all a biological clock. Which is known as circadian rhythm. While sleep schedules are thought to have hereditary components, they can also be reshaped with concerted effort. Early birds, who have an innate desire to rise with the sun, experience an earlier release of melatonin, increasing their alertness in the morning. Night owls start releasing melatonin in the late hours, resulting in feeling tired in the morning and feeling energetic later in the evening.
Lack of sleep affects the body in many ways.
When sleep disrupts these complex rhythms, chaos is created within our bodies. Hormone secretion is altered, temperature regulation is disturbed, and there are detrimental effects on metabolism. The subsequent domino effect not only increases the risk of diabetes but also leads us to heart disease and other chronic diseases.
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