The birth anniversary of Radha Rani is celebrated exactly 15 days after the birth anniversary of Shri Krishna which is celebrated on the Ashtami date of Krishna Paksha of Bhadrapada month. In the Sanatan tradition, Shri Radha ji has been considered as the power of Lord Shri Krishna, without whom not only she is incomplete, but the worship of her devotees is also considered incomplete. It is believed that by worshiping Radha ji along with Lord Shri Krishna one gets the blessings of a happy married life. Let us know in detail when and how to worship Goddess Shri Radha, who removes all the miseries of life and bestows happiness, good luck and success.
Auspicious time of Radha Ashtami
According to the Hindu calendar, the holy festival of Radha Ashtami will be celebrated this year on 23 September 2023, Saturday. According to the Panchang, the Ashtami tithi of Shuklapaksha of Bhadrapada month will start from 01:35 pm on 22 September 2023 and will continue till 12:17 pm on 23 September 2023. According to the Panchang, the best time to worship Radha Rani on this day will be from 11:01 am to 01:26 pm.
Importance of worshiping Radha Ashtami
According to Hindu belief, worship of Lord Shri Krishna is incomplete without Radha ji. In such a situation, to get the full benefits of Janmashtami worship, it is considered necessary to worship and fast on Radha Ashtami. It is believed that whoever worships and fasts as per the rituals on Radha Ashtami, the blessings of Radha-Krishna are showered on him throughout the year. There is never any shortage of money and grains in his house.
Radha Ashtami worship method
To fast on Radha Ashtami, after taking bath and meditation early in the morning, make a resolution to observe this fast according to the rules and regulations. After this, first worship Ganesh ji and then worship Radha Rani by offering flowers, makeup items, fruits, bhog etc. Do chant the mantras of Radha ji during the fast of Radha Ashtami. If you are unable to do this, then chant Radhe-Krishna. At the end of the puja, perform aarti of Radha ji and distribute prasad to as many people as possible and also take it yourself.
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