Story of Mary, who remained quarantined for 26 years, spies were engaged to know the disease - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Saturday, September 23, 2023

Story of Mary, who remained quarantined for 26 years, spies were engaged to know the disease

The case of Mary Malone, which came to light 100 years ago, was shocking. Mary spread typhoid to more than 50 people. For the first 3 years, she was kept in the quarantine center and was released with the instruction that she would not work in any house. But after that the situation worsened so much that he was kept in the quarantine center for 26 years.

Many records were made for patients staying in quarantine during the Corona period, but the case of Mary Malone, which came to light 100 years ago, was shocking. Mary spread typhoid to more than 50 people. For the first 3 years, she was kept in the quarantine center and was released with the instruction that she would not work in any house. But after that the situation worsened so much that he was kept in the quarantine center for 26 years.

Mary was not allowed to leave the quarantine center till the last moment. As a result, he breathed his last in the same quarantine centre.

this is how the disease spread

Born on September 23, 1869 in Northern Ireland, Mary Malone came to America in search of work at the age of 15. Here he started cooking. Started working in many houses. Between 1900 and 1907 he worked in 8 families. Meanwhile, typhoid disease spread in 7 families.

There was panic when the disease spread in 7 families. The responsibility of finding this out was given to American Detective George Soper. The challenge for George was to find out how typhoid disease developed in families where there was not a single case of it. George thoroughly investigated the matter and after several months of hard work he presented his report.

On June 15, 1907, George Soper wrote in his report that the family in which the last case of typhoid was reported had hired Mary three months earlier, but Mary left the job three weeks after the disease spread. George became suspicious that Mary had spread the disease.

Mary was arrested

After the report came out, the Health Department of New York arrested Mary. Mary was examined. The investigation report revealed that Mary had typhoid bacteria in her gall bladder. After the report came out, on March 19, 1907, Mary was quarantined in North Brother Island, New York.

During this period, testing samples started being taken three times a week. The special thing was that infected Mary did not have a single symptom of typhoid. This was the reason why she neither saw any symptoms nor could she understand the disease. Unknowingly the disease continued to be a carrier. That's why she was named Typhoid Mary.

After 3 years, in 1910, Mary was released from the quarantine center with the condition that she would not work in any house. After leaving there, he spent his life working here and there for 5 years. In 1915, she started working in a women's hospital in New York. During this period the infection spread among 25 patients there. Once again George was called to investigate. Mary was again quarantined in a hospital on North Brother Island on 27 March 1915.

Paralyzed before death

Mary became paralyzed 6 years before her death. Mary died on 11 November 1938 due to pneumonia. George told in his report that because of Mary, more than 50 people got infected with typhoid. Three died. If we look at Mary's case, we will find that this was the first case in the world when a patient did not show symptoms, but spread the infection.

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