Technology will be used in a tremendous way in G20, AI will be used like this - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Monday, September 4, 2023

Technology will be used in a tremendous way in G20, AI will be used like this

G20 Summit Update: AI Anchor will welcome everyone in the G20 Summit, see here the full details of how AI Anchor will attend the foreign guests coming to the summit and what will be special to see in this program. Read the rest of the information related to the summit here.

India has a long association with technology. All this will be seen in the G20 meeting. There will be an anchor for the heads of state of the member countries coming here who will work on AI (Artificial Intelligence). This anchor will welcome the arriving guests. According to the information received by 'India is the mother of democracy' will be shown in digital format in the entire hall.

Dancing girl will be center of attraction

The dancing girl of Mohenjodaro will be five feet tall which will tell about Saraswati Indus civilization. This dancing girl has been prepared by Ramji Sutar. It will be five feet tall and weigh 120 kg. It will be on a rotation panel in front of the reception area.

Journey of democracy in India

There has been a democratic trend in India since the Vedic period, in which rule of law and good governance has been shown. A picture of Malana village of Himachal has been shown, in which decisions have been being taken democratically for the last thousand years. All this will be on the digital wall. It will be near the media center at hall number five.

AI anchor will welcome instead of guide

How the entire exhibition will be will be told through artificial intelligence. An AI anchor has been prepared, which will tell where, how and in what manner it will be taken. This anchor will be able to speak in sixteen languages. Which includes the languages ​​of Hindi, English, Japan, Korean, China, Russia, Turkey, Arabic Dutch, Portuguese, Bengali, Indonesia.

Development of democratic journey

The saga of development of democratic work has been written in 16 languages. There will be a QR code in it, by scanning which you can go to the website. In this, all indigenous and foreign languages ​​have been included. In this, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Jainism, Buddhism, Kautilya's politics, King Ashoka and Maurya rule along with the foreigners who came to India in which Megasthenes, Fahayan have written democratic things, all this has been showcased.

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