What is the right way to set curd? If you do this work at night, the benefits will also double. - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

What is the right way to set curd? If you do this work at night, the benefits will also double.

Curd stored in earthen pots is not only tastier in taste, but many nutrients are also added to it. Let us know what is the benefit of keeping curd in earthen pots?

Storing curd in earthen pots has been a very old tradition in Indian rural areas. Here potters used to make earthen pots by hand. In which curd was stored. But this tradition is gradually ending. But the pleasure of eating frozen curd in an earthen pot or Kullad is different. Curd stored in earthen pots is known for its distinctive smell and taste. The mineral elements present in the soil give a taste to the curd. The soil always remains cold due to which the curd remains cold and hard for a long time. And eating this curd is more delicious and equally beneficial, let us know the benefits of curd stored in earthen pots...


The taste of curd frozen in earthen pots is unique, and it has the effect of earthy smell, due to which the taste and smell of curd is very good. 

Important minerals like iron, magnesium and calcium are found in mineral soil. When we store curd in earthen pots, these minerals get transferred from the soil to the curd. This increases the amount of iron, magnesium and calcium in the curd which are very useful for our body. These make curd more nutritious and are beneficial for our health. 


elements like potassium, magnesium, calcium are naturally found in alkaline soil. When curd is stored in an earthen pot, these alkaline elements are transferred from the soil to the curd. These alkaline elements help in balancing the pH level of the body and increase the ability to fight many diseases. . 

Many types of probiotic bacteria are found in probiotic soil. When we store curd in an earthen pot, these probiotics get transferred from the soil to the curd. Probiotics are very beneficial for our digestive system. These help maintain the balance of healthy bacteria in our intestines and improve digestion. 

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