The wait of the fans for Shah Rukh Khan's film Jawan is finally over. The film hit the cinema halls across the world on 7 September. Advance booking had already been done regarding the film. All the cinema halls looked housefull. Within a year, King Khan came and became famous as soon as he arrived. Also left a clue regarding the next part of this film.
The film has hit the theaters and fans are now seen giving their reactions one by one. The film has not even come out yet that discussion has started about its second part as well. People believe that the sequel of this film will also come.
Actually, in the conclusion of the film itself, it has been revealed that the second part of this film will also come. In the film, Shah Rukh Khan's character Azad is caught by someone holding an envelope. Now in this envelope, Shah Rukh Khan has been told about his next mission. People seem to be making the same assumption at the moment. But people believe that Shahrukh Khan has done this work in such a clever way that it is not in everyone's capability to catch it.
Talking about the film, Atlee has directed this film of Shah Rukh Khan. Atlee is a successful director from South and is considered a guarantee of success in South. People had the same expectation from this film as well and this film seems to be doing the same.
How much collection expected?
Talking about the opening day box office collection of the film, it is being speculated that the film will earn around Rs 140 crore. These figures are very high and if this happens then it will be no less than a miracle. Shahrukh Khan is coming to destroy the record of his own film Pathan.