Women Health: Hair falling rapidly after delivery? Know the reason and methods of prevention - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Women Health: Hair falling rapidly after delivery? Know the reason and methods of prevention

After delivery, women often have to face the problem of hair fall. The reason behind this can range from hormonal changes to mental stress. Know what prevention is and when to go to the doctor.

From pregnancy to delivery is a very important time for women. During this period many types of changes take place in the body. Due to which women face many health related problems. It is often seen that after giving birth to a child, the hair of some women starts falling rapidly. Which is called post partum hair fall. Mostly this problem is seen after three months of the birth of the baby. There may be some reasons behind rapid hair fall after delivery. However, this problem can be got rid of by keeping some things in mind.

Hair fall after delivery is considered a common problem in women, but this problem occurs due to changes in hormones. It is important to pay attention to this, otherwise apart from hair fall, many other health related problems may also arise with time.

Hormonal change

Hormonal changes occur in the body during pregnancy. Due to this, problems like nausea and dizziness also occur. After delivery, the levels of some hormones like progesterone and estrogen start falling in the body of women. Due to which the problem of rapid hair fall is seen in women some time after the birth of the child.

Hair fall also due to post partum stress

After delivery, the problem of post partum stress is also seen in women and due to this also hair starts falling rapidly. However, the problem of mood swings and stress after delivery can also be related to hormonal changes.

Correct your diet for hair fall problem

If hair is falling rapidly after delivery, then include nutritious things in your diet. This will give you strength from within and can get rid of the problem of hair fall to a great extent. After delivery, women also breastfeed their children. Because of this, it becomes even more important to pay attention to diet. To get rid of hair fall, include foods rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Zinc and protein in your diet. For this, eat foods like green leafy vegetables, seeds, dry fruits, eggs, fruits.

These things can also be beneficial

To get rid of the problem of hair fall, along with improving your diet, using some household items can also prove beneficial. For this, leave fenugreek seeds soaked in water overnight and apply this water on hair in the morning, it can be very beneficial. Apart from this, to provide protein to the hair, egg can be included in the diet and can also be used as a hair mask.

When to go to the doctor

If a good diet is taken and a healthy routine is followed, then the hair fall after delivery gets cured after some time. If this problem still persists then a doctor should be contacted. Apart from this, if hair is falling abnormally, like widening of thin line of hair, loss of more than 100 hairs, in this situation also you can consult an expert.

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