World First Aid Day: Learn the correct method of first aid, what is most important to keep in the first aid box - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News

Saturday, September 9, 2023

World First Aid Day: Learn the correct method of first aid, what is most important to keep in the first aid box


The purpose of celebrating World First Aid Day is to make every person a life saver. Let us know about it.....

World First Aid Day : Whenever we need sudden help in case of an accident or injury, we perform first aid or first aid. First Aid means providing immediate help to a person as per his need, so that his condition can improve or his condition does not get worse. 'World First Aid Day' is celebrated every year keeping this in mind. Is. The main objective of this day is to make people understand how first aid is given and how it can save lives. When we know well about first aid, we can help ourselves or others in case of an accident or someone suddenly falls ill. The important objective of celebrating this day is to make everyone understand that he too can become a 'life saver'. With just a few simple pieces of information we can save someone's life. so, 

Some important things in first aid box 

Bandages and gauze – to bind bleeding wounds

Cetiline and antiseptic cream – to clean small cuts and scrapes

Thermometer – to check fever and temperature

Betadine Spray - for treating burnt skin

Tweezers – to remove small objects

Antiseptic medicines – for applying on wounds

Paracetamol/Aspirin – to reduce fever and pain

History of World First Aid Day 

The main purpose of World First Aid Day is to promote the importance of first aid or "First Aid" and make people aware of it. It is celebrated every year on the second Saturday in the month of September. It was started by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). The first World First Aid Day was celebrated in 2000. The main objective of this day is to make people aware about the importance of first aid and to teach them the necessary information so that they can help themselves and others in emergency situations. 

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.