Your luck can shine even with a pinch of salt, know the surefire remedies related to it. - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Friday, September 1, 2023

Your luck can shine even with a pinch of salt, know the surefire remedies related to it.

According to Vastu Shastra, we can get rid of many big problems with just a pinch of salt. Let us know in detail about all the measures related to salt mentioned by astrology for happiness and prosperity in the house.

Salt is very important in our lives. Along with increasing the taste of food, salt is very effective in meeting the deficiency of iodine in the body. Salt has become such an integral part of our life without which the imagination of food is futile. Salt is not only used to enhance the taste of food, but its remedies have been given in astrology and Vastu Shastra, by which one can get rid of many problems.

According to astrology, salt represents Venus and Moon. Just a pinch of salt is very effective in removing your poverty and changing your luck. If you are also troubled by Vaastu defects and negative energy has taken over you, then you should know these effective tricks of salt so that you can live a happy life. There are many types of salt available in the market like black salt, rock salt, sea salt and plain (white salt) etc. According to some people, salt is also considered a symbol of Rahu.

salt remedies

Due to bad condition of planets and stars, a person's financial, mental and physical condition is adversely affected. In astrology, some such remedies of salt have been mentioned using which the planets can be pacified. At the same time, a person can avail various benefits by following salt remedies. A pinch of salt is very effective in improving luck.

Remove negative energy like this

If you want to remove negative energy from the house, then mix a pinch of salt in water and mop the house twice a week. By doing this the negative energy in the house goes away and positive energy comes in. There is a belief that applying a salt mop brings quick wealth to the house. Also, keep a glass cup filled with salt in the bathroom, which destroys germs and drives away evil forces.

Get rid of diseases like this

If the patient is not getting better even after all the treatments, then keep a handful of salt in a glass vessel at the patient's bedside. By doing this the disease of that patient will be cured. Throw the salt from the vessel in any drain daily and fill it with new salt again.

Remedies to get rid of household troubles

If there are frequent fights between husband and wife or if there is discord in the house, then put rock salt in a glass bowl and keep it in your bedroom every day. By doing this, the condition of the house will improve and marital relations will improve. Keeping a piece of whole rock salt in the corner of your bedroom increases love between husband and wife.

Measures to eliminate poverty

Tantra Shastra or salt trick is very effective in removing poverty. Put four-five cloves with salt in a glass cup and keep it aside. By doing this, the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi will remain in your house and your wealth will also be blessed. To protect children from spells or evil eyes, children should be bathed once a week by adding salt to the water.

What to do to overcome the financial crisis?

If you are unable to get rid of the financial crisis even after all your efforts, then mix salt in water in a glass and keep it in the south-west direction of the house. Also, put a red colored bulb behind this glass. Keep changing the water in this glass every 15 days, which will quickly get rid of the financial crisis.

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