Health Tips: Why do non-drinkers also have fatty liver problems? This is the reason - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Thursday, October 5, 2023

Health Tips: Why do non-drinkers also have fatty liver problems? This is the reason

Fatty liver can sometimes be quite serious. Its main reason is considered to be excessive alcohol consumption, but sometimes the problem of fatty liver is seen even in those who do not drink alcohol. Know what is the reason for this?

Fatty liver which is called hepatic steatosis in the language of medical science. Liver works to remove toxins from the body, hence it is very important to pay timely attention to the problem of fatty liver, otherwise it can reach a very serious condition and can even be fatal. Many cases of fatty liver have been seen in the last few years. It is often thought that fatty liver disease occurs only in those people who consume alcohol, however, people who do not drink alcohol can also have fatty liver problems. Actually, bad eating habits is also a major reason for fatty liver.

There are two types of fatty liver, alcoholic and non-alcoholic. If we talk about alcoholic fatty liver, excessive consumption of alcohol causes swelling of the liver. At the same time, bad eating habits can be the reason behind the problem of non-alcoholic fatty liver.

What is fatty liver?

A small amount of fat is already present in the liver, but when the amount of calories in the body increases and it gets converted into fat and starts accumulating on the liver cells, then this condition is called fatty liver. Due to which the functioning of the liver is adversely affected and digestion also starts deteriorating.

These foods are the cause of fatty liver

Triglyceride is a type of fat which is present in the blood and our body uses this fat and converts it into energy, but its excess causes many problems. One of these health problems is fatty liver. Some foods like white bread, instant junk food, cookies, red meat, fried food can increase the amount of triglycerides in your body, because they contain saturated fat which causes increase in triglycerides.

This is also the reason for fatty liver

Due to increase in triglycerides fat in the blood of the body, the problem of fatty liver can occur. Along with this, the problem of fatty liver is also seen in people suffering from excessive weight gain and diabetes.

Do not ignore the symptoms

In case of fatty liver problem, symptoms like feeling tired, swelling on the skin in the liver area, feeling of heaviness, feeling like vomiting frequently, poor digestion, effect on appetite, weight gain or rapid weight loss are seen. Are. Apart from this, sometimes the ability to think and understand can also be affected.

What to do and what not to do if you have fatty liver

The problem of fatty liver can be avoided by taking a balanced diet and staying away from alcohol. People who have this problem should stay away from fried and junk food, as well as things with high salt and high sugar. Apart from this, keep your weight under control. For this, include daily exercise or light activities like walking, cycling in your daily routine.

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