Know which disease is frequent urination, let us know how to identify it. - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Monday, October 2, 2023

Know which disease is frequent urination, let us know how to identify it.

There can be many common reasons behind frequent urination such as drinking excess water, caffeine intake, pregnancy etc. But sometimes it can also be a sign of some serious problems. Let us know..

Frequent Urination: Frequent urination is a common problem which many people ignore. But sometimes it can also be a sign of some serious problems. If you are urinating continuously without any reason, then there could be problems like diabetes or urinary tract infection (UTI) behind it. Often people do not know how many times it is considered normal to urinate in a day. Let us know how many times a healthy person should urinate in a day and when does frequent urination become a matter of concern.

There can be many common reasons behind frequent urination such as drinking excess water, caffeine intake, pregnancy etc. But the normal frequency of urination varies according to age and gender. Generally urinating 8-10 times is considered okay. But apart from this it also depends on many factors. 

Know why there is excessive urination in diabetes.

In diabetes, the blood sugar level becomes very high. Due to lack of insulin in the body or resistance to it, glucose cannot be utilized and its quantity increases in the blood. Due to excessive blood sugar, the person starts feeling very thirsty. As the amount of glucose in the body increases, the kidneys are forced to produce more urine so that the excess glucose can be removed from the body. That is why in diabetes, a person starts needing to urinate frequently.

Know why there is frequent urination in UTI. 

Urinary tract infection (UTI) causes infection in the urethra. This infection is usually caused by bacteria that affects the lower parts of the urinary tract such as the urethra, bladder and urethra. When the bacteria reaches the urethra, it starts spreading infection there. This infection damages the walls of the bladder and causes burning and pain during urination. This infection causes the natural reaction to empty the bladder rapidly, so the person starts urinating frequently. Increased frequency of urination is a very common symptom in UTI. 

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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