Mukesh Ambani, Asia's richest man and owner of Reliance Industries, has received death threats in the mail for the third time in a week. This time the threats have demanded a ransom of Rs 400 crore. Even before this on Saturday, the person making the threat had asked for Rs 20 crores and the next day it was increased to Rs 200 crores. This time, the person threatening the mail, along with demanding Rs 400 crore, has also written that if the police cannot find me, then they cannot arrest me. This email has also come from the same address from which the previous two emails had come.
IP address is from Belgium
Mumbai Police is still trying to find the Internet Protocol i.e. IP addresses of two old emails. The police, through Interpol, has sought help from a Belgian virtual private network company (VPN) in verifying the details of this email. These mails have been sent from According to technical experts, this IP address is from Belgium. But the police suspect that the person making the threat is based in some other country and is using Belgium's virtual private network to mislead the police.
The police can't find me
In the third email sent on Monday after the previous two emails, the person making the threat has written, 'Now we have increased our demand to Rs 400 crore. If the police can't find me, they can't arrest me. The security in-charge of Reliance Industries had lodged a police complaint in this regard last Friday. In the first mail, a ransom of Rs 20 crore was demanded. In the second mail on Saturday, it was increased to Rs 200 crore.
Crime Branch and Cyber Crime Cell of Maharashtra are jointly investigating this matter. Police say that at first glance it seems that this email address has been created only for threatening.
Received bomb threat first
This is not the first time that Mukesh Ambani or his family has received death threats. Last year, on October 5, a person had called a hospital of Reliance Foundation and threatened to kill the Ambani family. There was also talk of blowing up the hospital with a bomb. However, that person was arrested from Bihar the very next day and he was identified as Rakesh Kumar Sharma.
Not only this, a few years ago the news of a vehicle filled with explosives being found outside Mukesh Ambani's house Antilia had also attracted people's attention.
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