Not only bad lifestyle or thyroid but also stress and anxiety can increase obesity, know how - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Thursday, October 5, 2023

Not only bad lifestyle or thyroid but also stress and anxiety can increase obesity, know how

Obesity: Health experts believe that not only bad lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, stress and anxiety can also be responsible for increasing obesity. Some medicines and diseases can also increase obesity.

Obesity And Stress  : Increasing weight and obesity can cause many health problems. If it is not controlled on time, the risk of many chronic diseases like blood pressure, diabetes can increase. The main cause of obesity is considered to be bad lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Health experts believe that stress and anxiety can also cause obesity. In such a situation, it is important that we all should know the reason for overweight and obesity. Let us know about the causes of obesity and the harm caused by it...

Stress can increase weight

Many studies have shown that people who take more stress can gain weight rapidly. In fact, when stressed, the level of cortisol hormone increases in the body, which induces overeating. Due to this, sleep problems and metabolism can also be affected. Due to which belly fat and overall body weight can increase. Therefore, if you want to control weight, you will have to stop taking stress.

Obesity can also be caused by genetics

Obesity can also be genetics. Meaning, if someone in the family is a victim of obesity, then to a great extent it can affect you too. Genes can increase the amount of fat in the body. In such a situation, special caution and care is advised.

Many medicines also cause obesity

Not only lifestyle, dietary disturbances and stress, some medicines can also cause weight gain and obesity. People taking antidepressants, steroids, anti-seizure medicines, diabetes medicines or beta-blockers may increase their weight to a great extent. Therefore, take these medicines only on the advice of the doctor.

Obesity can increase due to some diseases

Many health problems can also cause weight gain. For example, the physical activities of people suffering from arthritis reduce. Because of this, they may have problems with obesity and weight gain. Therefore, health should be taken good care of.

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