Pitru Paksha 2023: Can women also perform Pind Daan and Shraddha, know what astrologers say - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Pitru Paksha 2023: Can women also perform Pind Daan and Shraddha, know what astrologers say

Pitru Paksha 2023: Pitru Paksha has special significance in Hindu religion. Shraddha of ancestors is performed on 16 days of Pitru Paksha as per date. With this the ancestors are pleased and bless the family. Generally men perform Shraddha but can women also perform Shraddha?

Pitru Paksha, which started from the full moon day of Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapada month, will continue till October 14 this year. During this time, Tarpan and Shraddha rituals are performed for the ancestors on the right date due to which their soul gets peace and their blessings always remain with their family. It is believed that during this time the ancestors come to earth from the ancestral world and when Shraddha is performed by the family, they become happy and give blessings and then return. In most of the houses, only men perform Shraddha rituals, but can women also perform Shraddha rituals? Do ancestors accept the Shraddha performed by women? Let us know what are the opinions of astrologers and what does Garun Purana say?

According to Garun Purana, only the men of the house can perform Shraddha rituals. There is no such provision for women. Astrologer Arunesh Kumar also says the same. According to them, women cannot perform Tarpan, Pind Daan and Shraddha rituals of ancestors. If there is no man in the house then Shraddha and Tarpan can be performed by any other man of the clan or any Brahmin. The women of the house can serve food only to Brahmins but cannot perform Shraddha rituals and Pind Daan.

What do other astrologers say?

However, some believe that under certain circumstances girls can also perform Shraddha. According to Astrologer Bibi Shastri, girls can perform Shraddha in special circumstances. For this he gave the example of Mother Sita. Citing the mythological story, he told that when Lord Ram along with Mother Sita reached Gayadham to perform Shraddha of his father Dasharatha, then Lord Ram went to collect the materials related to Shraddha. At the same time, the soul of King Dashrath demanded Pinda Daan, after which Mother Sita performed Shraddha with the Falgu River, Gayas Ketaki flowers and Banyan tree as witnesses.

Follow these rules during Shraddha

Shraddha of ancestors should be performed on their correct date. If for some reason you do not remember the date, then Shraddha of the forgotten ancestors can be performed on the day of Sarvapitri Amavasya.

White color has special significance during Shraddha. Therefore, wear white clothes after bathing.

Things like Kush Roli, vermilion, rice, sacred thread, black sesame, Ganga water must be kept in the Shraddha material.

After performing the ritual of Shraddha, feed food to the Brahmins and also give Dakshina as per your capacity.

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