The brutality of Hamas, the fighting across borders… What is the dispute between Palestine and Israel? - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Sunday, October 8, 2023

The brutality of Hamas, the fighting across borders… What is the dispute between Palestine and Israel?

Palestine's Hamas fighters have caused a lot of bloodshed in Israel. More than 5000 rockets have been fired. Meanwhile, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's army has also come into response mode and has started selectively killing Hamas terrorists with full force. Netanyahu declared war just hours after the Hamas attack.

War has started between Israel and Palestine. At around 8 am on Saturday morning, the Palestinian organization Hamas suddenly attacked three Israeli cities with rockets. Rockets were fired in 7 cities including Israel's capital Tel Aviv, Sderot and Ashkelon. Hamas targeted Israeli positions from three fronts. Somewhere rockets were fired on residential areas, somewhere they entered Israeli territory and opened fire. After the attack by Hamas, Israel's army is also in full action.

Clashes are being seen between the two in many areas. Some such pictures have also come in which Palestinian gunmen are creating chaos on the streets of Israel by firing rapidly. The Gaza Strip has become the major center of this all-out war that is raging in Israel. Here a direct war is taking place between Israel and Hamas. Israel has landed a large army here. Apart from this, through 36 aircraft, it has carried out a massive strike on Hamas targets in Gaza Strip.

The conflict has been going on in this area for 100 years

After all, what is the dispute between Palestine and Israel and why are bloody conflicts seen between the two again and again? If we look closely, this conflict has been going on in this area of ​​Western Asia for at least 100 years. After the end of the Ottoman Empire in Western Asia after the First World War, this area was occupied by Britain.

Mostly Jews and Arab people lived here. Tension increased between the two, after which the British rulers talked about making a place for the Jews in Palestine. It is important to know here that Jews consider this area to be the land of their ancestors, people of Arab community also claim it as their own. The result was that tension started increasing between the two.

In 1947, the United Nations agreed to the decision to divide Palestine into two parts, one part for the Jews and the other for the Arabs. Amidst Arab opposition, on May 14, 1948, Jewish leaders announced the formation of the state of Israel. The British rulers left from here.

Soon after this the first Israel-Arab war took place here. During this period, about seven and a half lakh Palestinians became homeless. This entire area was divided into three parts. Israel, West Bank and Gaza Strip. The Palestinian population lives in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The struggle for power and supremacy between Israel and Palestinians has continued since then.

There are about 27 thousand fighters in Hamas, what is their objective?

Now let's talk about Hamas. You must have heard the word Hamash many times. Especially whenever there is mention of the struggle for power in Israel, the name of Hamas definitely comes up. Today again the whole world is seeing the picture of how ferocious and dangerous its fighters are.

According to a report by Times of Israel, there are about 27 thousand fighters in Hamas. These are divided into 6 regional brigades. It has 25 battalions and 106 companies. Their commanders keep changing. There are 4 wings in Hamas. Everyone has different commanders. Their aim is to capture those parts of Israel in which Palestinians mostly live. The members of Hamas are so vicious that they join the crowd of common people and attack Israeli soldiers.

All parties together in Israel, no opposition

Amidst the ongoing tension between Israel and Palestine, a news also gave a lesson that in times of national crisis, how one should rise above politics and talk, how despite differences in ideologies, one should remain united on the issue of national security. After the Hamas attack, all the political parties in the Israeli Parliament issued a joint statement. All the parties fully supported the army and said that at this time there is no opposition or alliance, all the parties are together.

Such words and such sentiments have a lot of meaning in keeping any country safe and in keeping its sovereignty intact because the issue here is not about the seat of power but about the security of the country. When such attacks take place in a country and the political parties there show complete unity with maturity, then that country not only gives a befitting reply to the enemies but also faces every serious situation with patience.

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