Who won the presidential election by raising anti-India slogans? - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Who won the presidential election by raising anti-India slogans?

It is feared that now China will again increase its pace and India does not want any of its neighboring countries to fall into the clutches of China. Mohammad Moizzu, an engineer by profession, had also given the slogan of India Out during the elections.

With Mohammed Moizzu taking oath as the new President of Maldives, there is a possibility of immediate impact on the relations between India and Maldives. Till now, India's relations with Maldives located in the Indian Ocean have been cordial. But, during the elections, Mohammad Moizzu had also given the slogan of India Out and now he has won the elections. From strategic point of view this is not considered good for India. Because the new President's closeness to China is well known. And this is the main reason for India's concern.

Ibrahim Mohammad Solih, who has been the President till now, has had close relations with India. Maldives is a strategically very important country for India. Geographically, its presence in the Indian Ocean makes it important. China also has interest in this country. He has made huge investments. All this investment has been made in infra.

Mohamed Muizzu is an engineer

It is feared that now China will again increase its pace and India does not want any of its neighboring countries to fall into the clutches of China. Because China's policy has now gradually become visible to the world. By giving loans to small countries on its own terms, it increases its influence there. Then, due to inability to repay the loan, it takes over the port, airport or similar infrastructure through lease. Hambantota Port located in Sri Lanka has been taken on a lease of 99 years. China has also taken some islands on lease in Maldives.

The new President of Maldives, an engineer by profession, is new to politics. He has also been a minister and also the mayor of Male. His age is only 45 years. He took his engineering education from England. New President Mohammad Moizzu is close to Abdullah Yameen, who is in jail these days. When Yameen was the President, he was also very close to China. China invested a lot during his time. It was he who gave the island on lease.

China's highest debt

Maldives currently has the highest debt in the world from China. In such a situation, there is a fear that the President who gave the slogan of India Out in his election will naturally move closer to China. And this is the challenge for India. India helps neighboring countries a lot but does not adopt China's policy. He wants everyone to move forward together.

China is constantly trying to surround India. There is tension on the border also. It has just signed many important agreements with Nepal. He has made deep inroads in Sri Lanka. Now its influence in Maldives is considered certain to increase. Because the way the new President gave the slogan of India Out in the elections, even if he had not said it, it would have worked. Elections are always fought on local issues but they knew that President Solih had cordial relations with India so they raised the slogan of India Out.

This happens rarely. Despite being a small country, Maldives is on the sea route through which ships from all over the world pass. That is why along with maritime security, it also has strategic importance. India also has investments there. The armies of both the countries also practice together. Indian soldiers are still available there. However, scholars who interfere in foreign policy believe that whatever the new President may have said in the elections, now he will not be able to ignore India. Even if for personal reasons they become closer to China. In this situation, it is believed that the new President will maintain a balance between China and India.

Some facts related to Maldives

Rajdhani Male

population around five lakhs

1200 small islands

Area 90 thousand square kilometers

Got independence from Britain in 1965

implemented its constitution in August 2008

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