Will half the world suffer from myopia? Shocking revelation in WHO study - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Saturday, October 7, 2023

Will half the world suffer from myopia? Shocking revelation in WHO study

The World Health Organization (WHO) has helped people suffering from eye diseases by launching the SPEX 2030 initiative. Currently, more than 2.2 billion people across the world are suffering from visual impairment. Of these, one billion people can be cured. 90 percent of the visually impaired are those who live in low and middle income countries. In India too, there are 10 crore people who need glasses, but due to poor economic condition, they are not able to get them.

24.8 billion US dollars are needed for proper eye care and treatment for everyone. WHO estimates that if eye patients are not helped, the world may have to face huge economic loss. Among these, myopia is emerging as a major global problem.

The common man does not go to the doctor regarding any eye defect unless it is completely visible. Or some such problem may arise due to which all his work gets disrupted. By the year 2050, half the world will suffer from myopia. In the matter of nearsightedness, other Asian countries including India are far ahead. More work needs to be done here.

It is important to save children

The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that to avoid this problem, it is important to reduce screen time and involve children in activities like outdoor sports. This will help in dealing with eye diseases and reducing the number of patients. Regular eye check-up of people of all ages is necessary, for this it is necessary that infrastructure be created up to the remote village level. The government should provide doctors and necessary resources there. The need for a public education campaign to reduce visual impairment is also being felt, so that people can save their children. Be aware yourself so that you can reach the hospital on time.

Don't ignore eye strain

WHO is working on a plan to help at its level through the SPEX 2030 initiative. The role of government, non-government organizations and private sector is also being underlined in this. Among the most common eye diseases, the most prominent ones are color blindness, cataract/glaucoma, macular degeneration etc. Apart from color blindness, treatment of all other diseases is possible at present. Similarly, near and farsightedness can be corrected with glasses. If someone is having blurred vision, persistent headache, or tension in the eyes, then there is a need to be immediately alert. If they are taken proper care of in the initial days, then major problems can be avoided.

Decided to launch SPECS 2030 initiative in 2021

The World Health Organization had decided to launch the SPEX 2030 initiative in its 74th World Health Assembly held in the year 2021. Under this, the member countries are to be provided assistance first through spectacles. There is also a proposal to help in creating some infrastructure. The idea is to correct the eye defect as quickly as possible, so that it does not get worse. Through this initiative, the World Health Organization aims to focus on services, helping people, education awareness, reducing the cost of spectacles and identifying people and diagnosing them.

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