If you have also got a new credit card made, then there are some important things which you should know before using the card. After getting a credit card, people make some mistakes due to which they have to repent later, so that this does not happen to you, there are some important tips which you should take today itself.
If you also do not remember the dates due to which you keep the auto cut payment option enabled for making credit card payments, then this habit of yours can prove to be costly for you. This is because many times we do not even check the credit card statement properly and after the bill is generated, payment is made automatically but this habit is not right.
After the bill is generated, definitely check the statement, if any amount has been added then talk to the customer care, get the extra charge removed and then make the payment because once the payment is made, there is no guarantee of getting the money. Is.
Panic when payment is not updated
Many times it happens that you have made the payment after the bill has been generated but it has not been updated on the bank's server due to which the amount is being shown to you, so in such a situation you do not have to panic.
Some people, in case the payment is not updated on the bank's server, think that perhaps the payment has not been made and make the payment twice instead of one. If you have made the payment and still the updated status is not shown to you, then you can do it again. Do not make payment, in this situation contact customer care.
If your credit card comes into someone's hands then your card can also be misused. If you have an account in any bank and you have taken a credit card of the same bank, then you can go to the bank's app and check the security given in the credit card section. Make sure to use the features. Many people do not use these safety features and then have to regret it later.
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