Saif Ali Khan Video Viral: Nawab of Bollywood Saif Ali Khan keeps a complete distance from social media. But the actor is spotted on many occasions. In this respect, he always remains in limelight. Sometimes he is seen spending quality time with his children and sometimes he is seen tuning in with his wife Kareena. Recently, a video of Saif Ali Khan is going viral in which he is seen coming out of a parking lot. During this time he is also seen trying to avoid falling.
Actually, when Saif is coming out of the parking lot, fans surround the actor from all sides. During this time, Saif was turning back to give an autograph to a fan when his foot collides with a bodyguard coming behind him. During this time they stumble but immediately control themselves and move ahead. Seeing this, the bodyguard accompanying him also understands the seriousness of the matter and starts removing the fans from around Saif.
The video is going viral on Instagram. There are a lot of reactions from people on this. During this, two groups are seen arguing among themselves. Whereas the A side believes that Saif Ali Khan is not giving emotion to the fans and is in an attitude. On the other hand, if we talk about the other group, then some people are seen in favor of Saif and they believe that there is no fault of Saif in this and he is looking cool even after faltering.
Sunny Deol was criticized
Let us tell you that this is not the first time that such an incident has come to light. Fans like Bollywood stars a lot and wherever these stars are seen, fans are seen trying to take selfies and autographs with them. In such a situation, the stars either lose their balance or their temper. Some time ago, a video of Sunny Deol had surfaced in which a fan wanted to take a selfie with him and Sunny was talking rudely to him. This video also went viral and people criticized Sunny Deol for his behaviour.
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