The problem of constipation will end, just do these three asanas. - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The problem of constipation will end, just do these three asanas.

The complaint of constipation is very common. This problem occurs due to unhealthy lifestyle and wrong eating habits, but you can get relief from it and that too in an easy way. For this you have to do some yoga asanas daily. Let us know in detail which are the asanas.

Our modern lifestyle and eating habits have gifted us with many diseases, one of which is constipation. Which is the result of our unhealthy lifestyle and wrong eating habits today. Today, an average of 16 percent people across the world are suffering from constipation. Out of which 33.5 percent people are above 60 years of age. Although this disease is not so fatal, if it is not treated in time, it can cause other problems. This can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health in the future.

what is the problem of constipation

Inability to empty the stomach of a person properly, difficulty in emptying the stomach, not emptying the stomach for many days come under constipation. In such a situation, problems like headache, stomach ache, lethargy may occur. Not cleaning the stomach properly can also lead to the problem of pimples and acne.

But the solution to this problem has been given in yoga. If you do some asanas daily then it will be easier for you to clean your stomach. It is believed that there are three such asanas in between which drinking warm salt water will give you a lot of relief from this problem. But before doing these asanas, keep some things in mind

– If you are a blood pressure patient then drink warm plain water instead of hot salty water. – Do this asana daily for good results. – Avoid eating fried and spicy food during this period

Do these 3 asanas


1. Before doing Tadasana, drink two glasses of warm salt water. 2. Keep your feet a few centimeters apart and keep your arms next to the body. In this position, relax your entire body. 3. Fix your vision at some point above the eyes. This is important because it helps maintain balance while landing on your toes. 4. Raise your hands above your head, interlace your fingers and place your hands over your head with the palms facing upwards. 5. Take a deep breath and extend your arms above your head and simultaneously come down on your toes to feel a stretch throughout the body from fingers to toes. 6. After this, exhale, bring your entire body down, come back to the starting position and leave your body relaxed. Repeat this step five times.

Triyak Tadasana

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-length apart. 2. Interlock your fingers and raise both hands above the head and keep the palms upward. Elbows should be straight. 3. Breathe. Then as you exhale, bend your torso to the right without bending from the hips, keeping the body and face forward. Bend as much as possible. Wait for a few seconds. Then as soon as you inhale, come back to the center. Then exhale and bend towards the left. 4. Do this asana five to seven times daily.

Kati Chakrasana

1. For this, keep the legs apart and hands next to the body and remain in the initial position like Triyak Tadasana. 2. Inhale and raise both hands to shoulder level. Exhale and turn the body to the right, rotate the right hand around the waist and place the left hand on the right shoulder. Turn as much as possible and look backwards. 3. Remain in the final position for a few seconds or as long as you can while exhaling. Then inhale and come back to the center. 4. Without lowering your hands, exhale and turn to the left, rotating your left hand around the waist and placing the right hand on the left shoulder. Wait for a few seconds. Then while breathing, come back to the starting position.

5. Repeat this five to seven times daily.

6. Drink two more glasses of water and keep repeating these asanas as mentioned above.

Make changes in eating and drinking habits also

Along with these asanas, if you make changes in your eating habits, you will get a lot of benefit. For this, eat more fiber rich food and reduce the amount of carbohydrates, fat and junk food in your diet. Include fresh fruits in your daily diet and drink two glasses of warm water first thing in the morning. By making these small changes, you will get a lot of relief from this problem.

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