If you too are searching for the recipe of making Thekua at home and are worried, then this information will make you happy. Here we will tell you about the easy recipe of making Thekua, by following which you will be able to make tasty and wonderful Thekua. For this, you will not need to search here and there for recipes, all the ingredients and recipes for making thekus will be available on this app.
Thekua will be ready in 45 minutes, now you will not have to find a friend who will bring you thekua to eat thekua. You can also prepare and eat Thekua at home. For this, you are getting the best recipe of thekua on Blikint which can make your thekua and prepare it in minutes. Apart from this, if you do not want to work so hard then you can also order them online. On Blinkit you are getting all the ingredients to make Thekua, delivery is also done on the platform in 10 to 20 minutes.
Thekua making items will be delivered home in 10-20 minutes
From desi ghee, cardamom, flour and sugar, everything will be available at one place. From here you will get the complete goods within minutes.
Organic India Organic Cow Ghee: You are getting this box of ghee on Blikint for just Rs 687. Apart from this, you are getting many brands of ghee which you can easily buy.
Aashirvaad Organic Atta: Although the original price of 5 kg flour packet is Rs 355, but you are getting it at Blinkit for Rs 280 with 21 percent discount.
Prestige Kadai: You are getting this kadai for only Rs 1171 with 30 percent discount.
Satvik Floral Design Bowl: You are getting this for only Rs 209 with 58 percent discount. Its design is quite beautiful and it also comes with a spoon.
Buy thekua online like this
If there is no one around you who is celebrating Chhath festival and you are not able to go to your home, then you can also order it online. In such a situation, whoever wants to eat Thekua can order from the online e-commerce platform Amazon. You are getting ready made Thekua on this platform. You can also order these in the express delivery option so that you will also get the benefit of one day delivery.
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