Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor's film Animal has been released and the film is making waves at the box office. Only 3 days have passed since the film was released and in these three days the film has made a good collection in terms of earnings. The film has made huge collections in India over the weekend and has touched the figure of Rs 200 crore in just 3 days. This is a big thing for the film. Now let us know how much Vicky Kaushal's Sam Bahadur earned in comparison to this film.
According to the reports of Saknilk, Ranbir Kapoor's Animal has made bumper earnings on the third day i.e. Sunday. As expected, the collection of the film was very high in three days on Sunday. The film has collected Rs 72.50 crore at the box office on the third day of its release. Animal had earned Rs 63.8 crore on the opening day. The collection of the film on the second day of release was Rs 66.27 crore. Meaning there has been an increase in the film's earnings. The collection of the film in India has reached Rs 202.57 crore.
How is Vicky Kaushal's condition?
At the same time, if we talk about Sam Manekshaw's biopic Sam Bahadur, which was released at the box office, the collection of this film seems to pale in comparison to Animal. The earnings figures of this film have also been revealed for three days. Sam Bahadur has earned Rs 25.55 crore in three days. The film collected Rs 6.25 crore on the opening day. After this, the film earned Rs 9 crore on the second day. Talking about the third day collection, the film has earned Rs 10.30 crore.
Vicky Kaushal's Sam Bahadur is not doing well in front of Animal. The film is made in a low budget and hence its collection is not that bad. But if we compare it with Animal, then this film does not seem to be standing anywhere in the competition. Apart from Vicky, the pair of Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra has been seen in Sam Bahadur. Apart from Ranbir, Animal also has stars like Bobby Deol, Anil Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna and Trupti Dimri.
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