The issue of deepfakes is becoming increasingly heated. Every day a deepfake video of some Bollywood star or politician goes viral. Not only celebrities but even common people become victims of deepfake technology. Cyber criminals create deepfake photos and videos of people with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI). People are blackmailed by sending their nude photos and videos on WhatsApp. Cyber fraudsters threaten innocent people to make nude videos viral and ask for money in exchange for deleting them.
If someone has made your nude video and is blackmailing you on WhatsApp, then you should take help of cyber crime helpline. The Government of India has created a cyber crime helpline portal to deal with cyber criminals. By going here you can lodge a complaint against cyber fraudsters. Let us see how to file a complaint in cases related to cyber crime .
Complain to cyber cell
You can file a complaint on the cyber crime portal against the cyber criminal who blackmails you.
To register a complaint, one has to go to the cyber crime helpline portal.
To create an account on this portal, follow the registration process. Login after creating account.
While filing the complaint, mention the details of date and time of the incident. Apart from this, also upload evidence like videos and screenshots.
Check complaint status like this
After registering the complaint on the cyber crime portal, an acknowledgment number will be generated. Keep this number safe with you. Here you can easily see the status of your complaint. For this you will have to go to Track Your Complaint option. After writing the acknowledgment number here, tap on Get OTP.
An OTP will come on your registered mobile number, after entering it tap on submit. The status of your complaint will come.
Get your nude photos and videos removed from the internet
To get your nude photos and videos removed from the internet, you can take help of website. Register your case by visiting this website. For this you will have to give some details in the form. The company claims that it can remove photos and videos that are shared or uploaded on the internet without permission.
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