Toxic air not only affects the health of our breathing or lungs but it also damages integral organs like kidneys. There are many reasons by which you can understand this connection. Let us tell you how there is a risk of kidney health deteriorating due to air pollution.
It has become difficult to breathe in the air of Delhi-NCR because the level of pollution in it is problematic. Pollution spread in the air weakens the health of our lungs, but let us tell you that due to this, other parts of our body also have to suffer damage. Very few people know that bad air also has a bad effect on our kidneys.
Kidneys work to remove toxic substances from our body. If its health is affected then other parts of the body are not able to function properly. Let us tell you what is the connection between air pollution and the deterioration of our kidney health.
How air pollution affects kidneys
Experts say that our kidney health gets affected due to air pollution. Actually, kidney removes the dirt from the body. The dirt that enters the body through breath affects the functioning of not only the lungs but also the kidneys. Due to this, oxidative stress occurs on the kidneys and this causes further inflammation. It is said that these pollutants also increase the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.
dirt in the respiratory tract
These fine particles pass through our breathing space. These have such an impact that the respiratory tissues start getting damaged. When this happens, swelling occurs which starts triggering diseases like asthma or bronchitis.
increase in blood pressure
If kidney health is bad then it can also lead to the problem of high blood pressure. Experts say that air pollution damages our blood vessels and due to this the kidneys are not able to function properly.
risk of diabetes
Do you know that some air pollutants can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes? Experts say that diabetes causes damage to the small veins of the kidney. If seen, air pollution works to weaken kidney health through diabetes.
Take care of your kidneys like this
To protect kidneys from air pollution or other problems, consume green leafy vegetables. To detoxify the kidneys, you can drink water of celery and black cardamom. By the way, drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day. Water intake will help in flushing out the toxins from your kidneys easily.