Is Mycoplasma pneumonia spreading worldwide a new disease? Know expert opinion - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Monday, December 11, 2023

Is Mycoplasma pneumonia spreading worldwide a new disease? Know expert opinion


When Covid seemed to be ending from the world, now the increasing cases of pneumonia have become a new concern. 
This disease is spreading from China to America to many countries in Europe. More cases of Mycoplasma pneumonia are coming in China. Ever since the cases of pneumonia are increasing in China, people are thinking that this is a new disease, but it is not so. Doctors say that pneumonia spreading in China is not a new disease. Cases of this have been coming before also. In such a situation, it is important to know about it.

To know about pneumonia spreading in China and many countries around the world, we have talked to Dr. Subhash Giri, Director of Lady Hardinge Medical College and Associate Hospital.

Why are pneumonia cases increasing in China?

Dr. Subhash says that the restrictions have been lifted about three years after the Covid pandemic arrived in China. Since the ban has been lifted, other types of bacteria have got a chance to flourish. Due to this, cases of pneumonia are increasing. More cases of Mycoplasma pneumonia are being seen in China, but it is not that it is a fatal disease.

What is Mycoplasma Pneumonia?

Mycoplasma pneumonia is also called walking pneumonia. Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that causes difficulty breathing, although mycoplasma pneumonia is a little different. There are no very serious symptoms in this. A person suffering from this can walk and do his daily work easily.

However, people who have weak immunity may have problems like cough and change in color of mucus. But there is nothing to worry about. This pneumonia can be easily controlled.

Is Mycoplasma pneumonia a new disease?

Dr. Subhash explains that Mycoplasma pneumonia is not a new disease. Cases of this have been coming before also. Talking about India, cases of pneumonia keep coming here. These include cases of viral and bacterial pneumonia. If we talk about Atypical pneumonia in China, it is called Mycoplasma pneumonia. This is a common disease. This type of pneumonia has been happening to people.

There is no threat from Mycoplasma pneumonia in India. There is also treatment available for this. In such a situation, there is nothing to worry about. There is no possibility of seeing any such trend in the coming times in India where cases of pneumonia may increase.

These people should be alert

People who have weak immunity and already have any serious disease of heart, kidney or liver, then the risk of getting respiratory diseases increases in such people. In such a situation, these people are advised to take special care of their health. Avoid crowded areas. If any person has symptoms of flu, then maintain distance from him and take care of hand hygiene.

protect yourself like this

To prevent pneumonia or any kind of disease, it is important to take care of diet. For this, it is important to include fruits and green vegetables in the diet and exercise daily.