Amazon employee made a video and gave this message to the customer, after seven years the company fired him from the job - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Amazon employee made a video and gave this message to the customer, after seven years the company fired him from the job

Many times we get punished for our past actions in the future. One such case has come to light these days. Where a person made a video and told Amazon customers that please do not order heavy salmon because we have to lift it ourselves. The company felt bad about this and fired him after seven years.

Nowadays, people are seeing an amazing craze for reels and short videos. Everyone you see starts making things with it. There was a time when people used to make it based on opportunity and place. Now the hunger for likes and views is such that people start doing it anywhere. Due to which they also have to suffer the consequences. A similar case has come to light in recent times. Which has surprised everyone.

In fact, an employee working in Amazon has claimed that he was fired from his job because he made a TikTok video seven years ago. According to a report by English website New York Post, TikTok user @thatamazonguyy; Whose name is Kendall, he gave this information by posting a video last week. According to the report, in his first video he had made such a request to the customers that the company had to show him the way out.

After all, what was said in the video?

It is being told that in the video he shot seven years ago, he had requested Amazon customers to stop ordering heavy items because he was tired of carrying them. Although this video was a complete spoof, but now Amazon has made that video an issue and fired me from work. Due to which now I do not have any job and now I am completely unemployed.

Kendall, who calls himself the Amazon King on TikTok, recently shot a video and said that it was not his intention to harm anyone. Kendall said, “If you were offended by that video, I'm sorry. I am not saying this just because. I am not asking you for a job again, I am just apologizing. Please forgive me." Please note that this is a video. However, what is the truth about this, Amazon has not given any information about this.

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