Are you troubled by dark circles? So get rid of it with these 5 easy remedies - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Are you troubled by dark circles? So get rid of it with these 5 easy remedies

Dark circles under the eyes spoil the beauty of the face. But due to today's deteriorating lifestyle, dark circles are very common. In such a situation, you can adopt these five home remedies to get rid of it.

Your look gets spoiled due to dark circles under the eyes. Because of this you start looking sick. But due to today's changing lifestyle like sleeping late at night, not taking proper diet and increasing age, dark circles start appearing under the eyes. In such a situation, women use makeup products like concealer to hide it. But this is a temporary solution, that is, with this you can hide the dark circles only for a few hours.

If you want permanent treatment of dark circles, then you can adopt many home remedies for this. So, in today's article, let us know which home remedies we can adopt to remove dark circles.

Potato for dark circles

Potato, which is added to almost every vegetable, can help you get rid of it. For this you have to peel the potato, grate it and extract its juice. Then with the help of cotton, apply its juice on your face. Then after 5 to 10 minutes wash your face with water. Do this two to three times a week. You will see the difference within a few days.

tea water

For this you will have to put tea leaves in water and boil it for some time. Then after the water cools down, apply it under your eyes with the help of cotton. Leave it for some time and then wash your face with water.\

cold milk

Milk can also prove beneficial in this. For this, you have to soak a cotton pad in cold milk and keep it on your closed eyelids for about 15 minutes. The lactic acid present in milk can help in lightening the skin and reducing inflammation.

Rose water

Rose water is considered beneficial for the eyes. In such a situation, with the help of cotton, keep rose water on your closed eyelids for 10 minutes. This will make your eyes feel cool. It can also help in reducing swelling and dark circles.

cucumber slices

Cut the cucumber into round shapes and keep your eyes closed on it for 10 to 15 minutes. Cucumber contains antioxidants and flavonoids that can help reduce inflammation and remove dark circles.