After the address, the President will be seen off by PM Modi, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla. There will be a meeting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha half an hour after the conclusion of the President's address. Where the copy of the President's address and the Economic Survey will be placed on the table of the House.
The Union Budget of the country is just about to be presented. The budget session of Parliament will start from Wednesday, January 31. According to the information, on the first day of the session, President Draupadi Murmu will address the joint meeting of both the houses of Parliament at 11 am. This joint meeting of both the houses will be held in the Lok Sabha chamber of the new Parliament House.
Let us tell you that President Draupadi Murmu will reach Parliament House at 10.55 am on Wednesday. Welcoming the President, the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Parliamentary Affairs Minister will bring him to the Lok Sabha chamber of the Parliament House at 11 am. Here the President will address the members of both the houses.
Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha meeting
This will be the President's first address in the new Parliament. After the address, the President will be seen off by PM Modi, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla. There will be a meeting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha half an hour after the conclusion of the President's address. Where the copy of the President's address and the Economic Survey will be placed on the table of the House.
Budget will be presented on 1 February
The next day, on Thursday i.e. 1st February, the Finance Minister will present the interim Union Budget (2024-2025) in the Lok Sabha. There will be no 'zero hour' on 31 January and 1 February. Although this will be an interim budget. The new government will present the full budget after the Lok Sabha elections.
Last session of parliament
Let us tell you that the tenure of the 17th Lok Sabha is ending on 16th June, hence this will be the last session of the Parliament before the announcement of general elections. Lok Sabha elections in 2019 were announced on 10 March and voting took place in seven phases between 11 April and 19 May.