Eating too much sugar can spoil heart health, these people are at risk - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Thursday, January 25, 2024

Eating too much sugar can spoil heart health, these people are at risk

Eating too much sugar is related to diabetes. Those who suffer from diabetes are advised not to eat sweets, but now a new study has come out, in which it has been said that eating sweets can also harm heart health. Let us know what has been said in the research.

Eating too much sweet is harmful for health. Eating too much sugar increases the risk of obesity and then diabetes. People who have diabetes are advised not to eat sweets, but do you know that eating too much sweet can also harm your heart health. Recently a research has been done in this regard. Research published in the BMC Medicine Journal states that eating too much sweet (especially sugar) can lead to the risk of heart disease and even brain stroke.

About 1 lakh people aged between 36 to 70 years were included in this research of BMC Medicine Journal. The food habits of these people were observed for about 9 years. Research had revealed that people who consumed more sugar in the last 9 years had a 6 percent higher risk of heart diseases compared to those who consumed less sugar.

processed sugar dangerous

Research revealed that people who consumed processed sugar had a higher risk of heart disease. The risk of stroke in such people was also 10 percent higher. This research was done by researchers from Oxford University. Research author Dr. Cody Watling says. The risk of heart disease increases in people who eat excessive amounts of sugar. However, it also depends on the lifestyle of the people consuming sugar. The health of people who do not have a good lifestyle was greatly harmed by eating sugar.

What do experts say

Dr. Ajay Kumar, a senior physician in Delhi, says that eating sugar is not directly related to heart disease, but if it is eaten in excess quantity then there is a risk of heart disease. In some cases, eating too much sugar can cause problems related to blood pressure. There is a risk of heart disease due to this, although it does not mean that you should stop eating sugar completely. People who do not have diabetes can eat sugar, but ensure that its quantity is not excessive. You can eat some sweet dishes once a week, but consuming it in excess is not good.

These people are in danger

Dr. Kumar says that people who already have heart disease or diabetes should avoid sweets completely. In such people, eating sweets can prove to be quite harmful.

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