How does coffee reach your cup after breaking from the trees? Learn the process from growing to preparing beans - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Saturday, January 27, 2024

How does coffee reach your cup after breaking from the trees? Learn the process from growing to preparing beans

Like tea, there is no dearth of coffee lovers too. If you want to get rid of the fatigue of office work, people immediately remember coffee and many people start their morning with coffee. Do you know how coffee travels from being plucked from the trees to reaching your cup?

Like tea lovers, there is no dearth of coffee lovers too. Many types of coffee flavors like Latte, Espresso, Cappuccino, Americano, Flat White, Moka are popular among the people. People like to drink coffee, whether it is to relieve fatigue during office work or to feel fresh in the morning, but do you know how coffee reaches your cup after breaking from the branches of trees, i.e. what happens in growing it? From how to prepare beans into coffee.

Although coffee is famous all over the world, it is drunk in abundance in India too and it is cultivated in many places here too. However, when coffee is grown, it looks completely different and looks like a small cherry. Which is prepared for drinking after a complete process. Let us know in details.

Where is coffee grown in India?

Talking about the production of coffee in India, coffee is produced in abundance in the southern hill states of India like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka etc. According to the information, India's name is included in the list of six major countries in coffee production. The most prominent varieties in India include Kent coffee and Arabica coffee, the quality of which is considered very good.

Temperature and right soil are necessary for coffee cultivation.

For good quality and yield, it is very important to choose the right soil and right climate for growing coffee. Coffee crop can get damaged in very hot climate and strong sunlight, hence it is mostly cultivated in hilly areas and a big plant or shelter is planted along with it so that its plants are protected from strong sunlight. A temperature of around 20 degrees is considered suitable for the production of coffee. Loamy soil is considered suitable for this.

method of cultivating coffee

Coffee plants can be prepared from both seeds or cuttings, but mostly coffee plants are prepared from cuttings because it takes more time than seeds. The coffee plant starts bearing fruit in 3 to 4 years, although it takes about 7 to 10 years to grow fully and continue to bear fruit for a longer period. When the fruit i.e. coffee cherry becomes ripe i.e. becomes bright red in color then it is started to be plucked.

What is the complete process of making coffee from cherries?

After the coffee beans are picked, they are soaked in water to remove the pulp and peel, or the cherries are put into a machine and the peel and pulp are removed. Apart from this, in dry method, cherries are dried in sunlight so that the pulp of the fruit can be easily separated from it. Once the beans are separated from the fruit, they are roasted and heated at high temperatures until brown. The taste of coffee depends on this whole process. After this, the final stage i.e. manufacturing takes place, in which either the prepared coffee beans are packed directly or it is packed after grinding it.

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