How right is it to fix the age of admission in coaching at 16 years? - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Friday, January 19, 2024

How right is it to fix the age of admission in coaching at 16 years?

Psychology says that sending very young children to coaching is like sending them to a factory. Their social development is not happening at all. They are being entangled in books before understanding the relationships of grandparents, maternal grandparents, aunts and uncles. In the matter of coaching, parents are more to blame, coaching institutes are less. In the race of modernity, people want to see children reach great heights very quickly.

The Education Ministry has issued new guidelines for coaching institutes across the country. Under this, now coaching institutes will not be able to give admission to children below 16 years of age. Apart from this, making misleading promises and guaranteeing good marks has also been banned. This decision is not only a blow to the growing coaching market, but the question here is also what will be the effect of this tough decision on parents and children. And the most important thing is how this decision will be implemented with the same strictness. Let us understand in details.

The Government of India has taken a wonderful decision by fixing the age for recruitment in coaching. This was the need of the hour and also necessary for the health and social development of tender minds. One can question the implementation of this decision but not the decision itself. It will be interesting to see what efforts the state governments make to implement this tough decision of the Central Government. How much success do they get in this matter? Will it really be true that children below 16 years of age will no longer be allowed to enter coaching? If not, then what will happen to the infrastructure of renowned coaching institutes prepared by investing crores of rupees?

Coaching institutes prey on tender hearts

Certainly the Union Education Ministry must have taken this step very thoughtfully. But, this topic is delicate. There is interest in this from the coaching staff as well as the parents. Now parents are ready to enroll their children of class 6th for the preparation of NEET and JEE and coaching institutes are eager to welcome them. In recent years, such a system has been developed that even parents are easily becoming victims of this fraud and they think that they are shaping the future of their son or daughter. Psychology says that sending very young children to coaching is like sending them to a factory. Their social development is not happening at all. They are being entangled in books before understanding the relationships of grandparents, maternal grandparents, aunts and uncles. The mind of any child of sixth class is not developed enough to decide his/her career. Parents are trapped in sheepish behavior and are sending their tender childhood to a coaching factory. In the name of talent hunt, coaching institutes are hunting small children and parents are easily turning them into tiger's mouth.

What did psychologists say about the government's decision?

Psychologist Dr Purti Sharma says that this decision of the Central Government is good. At least a beginning has been made. This is a very important step for children. She says that psychology believes that any child below the age of 16 does not develop the ability to take decisions. Nowadays even the age of 20 years seems to be getting shorter. Children become socially mature when they grow up among relatives and neighbors. This means that the ability to learn from the society is not developing. The problem today is that children are developing with gadgets. The result is that many decisions are being taken blindly in the society. Children and their parents are also included in this. Unless a child becomes a good person, how will he become a good doctor or engineer? This is the one question that is not bothering anyone. Just a large population is playing with the children by indulging in sheepish behavior. And coaching has certainly been taking advantage of this. Now perhaps some positive impact of this decision of the Center may be seen.

Web of big TV campaigns

Dr. Inderjit Singh, who was the principal of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, says that this game has been going on for years. They are luring people by going to coaching schools. Children are being taken away by entangling them in the web of talk. The protest is not happening because parents also want their child to reach coaching as soon as possible and ensure his seat in IIT or AIIMS Delhi. While his age is fixed. But, people are not ready to accept. In this matter, money is also being lost and childhood is also being lost. Dr. Singh says that children till 10th should not be sent to any coaching, but unfortunately this is not happening. When coaching institutes run big TV ad campaigns, where will the money come from? Naturally from the parents' pocket. The decision of the Central Government is good but for this, counseling of parents is required first. The TV campaign is to make the parents aware because no child should go to coaching without the permission of the parents. A new social development is taking place, the negative face of which has started appearing before us.

Otherwise…children will continue to grind in the coaching factory.

Pramod Mishra, father of two sons and a daughter holding high positions, says that we introduced our three children to our grandmothers regularly. Explained the meaning of aunt and uncle. His relationship with coaching started in 12th. Before that we didn't even think about it. There were classes at home every evening. If I missed it, the neighbors would call my children and teach them. I would have done the same thing with their children. In this way, the understanding of sociality developed in the children till intermediate. Today he is not only an excellent person but is also at the peak of his career. They say that in the matter of coaching, parents are more to blame and coaching institutes are less. In the race of modernity, people want to see children reach great heights very quickly. They have also forgotten that a child remains healthy in the mother's womb for nine months. If born first then it is very weak. The central government has made the rules. Now it is the responsibility of the officers to implement it strictly. If they are able to do this, they will get excellent results, otherwise children will continue to grind in the coaching factory. Will continue to commit suicide under pressure.

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