Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone's film Fighter is constantly in the news. Fighter has been released on the big screen. However, the fighter was banned in Gulf countries before its release. Now after the release, Hrithik and Deepika's Fighter has got another big shock. Which can become a cause of trouble for the makers.
Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone's film Fighter has been released in theatres. There is a good buzz among the audience regarding this film. Everyone has high expectations from Fighter directed by Siddharth Anand. It is believed that this film will definitely be successful in leaving its mark in theatres. Meanwhile, with the release of Fighter, the makers have suffered a big shock.
Recently there was news regarding Hrithik-Deepika's Fighter that the action film has been banned in Gulf countries. Now according to the information received, the fighter has also been banned in United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is believed that the option to book movie tickets from major theater chains has been removed. If these reports prove to be true, then it may become a matter of concern for the makers.
In fact, an important reason behind banning Fighter is being said to be the story of the film, which seems to revolve around India's reaction to the Pulwama terrorist attack. Let us tell you, when the trailer of the film was released, it was liked a lot. But the Pulwama attack was also mentioned in the trailer, after which it was criticized in Pakistan and Fighter was called a film promoting “anti-Pakistan” agenda.
However, the film's director Siddharth Anand says that before forming any opinion on the film, do watch it once. He further said that his film has no purpose of raising questions on terrorism nor inciting hostility towards any nation. However, no official information has been revealed regarding the fighter being banned in UAE.
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