If you make these mistakes related to Surya Namaskar, you will suffer losses instead of gains! - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Sunday, January 7, 2024

If you make these mistakes related to Surya Namaskar, you will suffer losses instead of gains!

In yoga, Surya Namaskar is an activity which includes 12 asanas. Therefore, regular practice of Surya Namaskar benefits the entire body, but due to some mistakes, it can cause harm instead of benefit.

If yoga is practiced regularly, not only does the person stay away from diseases, but one can also get rid of many health problems. Yoga is very beneficial for physical health as well as mental health. Many different types of asanas and pranayam have been described in yoga, which have different benefits. Whereas Surya Namaskar is a process in which 12 asanas are done simultaneously and it provides benefits to your entire body. However, some things should be kept in mind while doing Surya Namaskar.

People who practice the process of Surya Namaskar regularly. Their health gets many benefits. If you are starting Surya Namaskar, then know some things before doing it, because due to the mistakes made during this, you may suffer loss instead of benefit.

Mistake made while doing Chaturdandasana can increase pain

Chaturdandasana is done during Surya Namaskar and many times people make some common mistakes in this asana like giving too much pressure on the shoulders, raising the hips up or lowering them too much. Because of this, there may be pain in your spine and shoulder muscles.

not maintaining correct breathing balance

In Surya Namaskar, it is very important to maintain balance of breathing along with physical posture. If this coordination is not correct then there may be loss instead of profit. Among the 12 asanas of Surya Namaskar, Hasta Uttanasana is done twice. Many times people skip it once, due to which the balance of breathing can get disturbed. Therefore, if you want to start Surya Namaskar, you can take advice from an expert.

push the body forcefully

Like there are 12 asanas in Surya Namaskar. Therefore, it is not necessary that you be able to do all these yogasanas completely in the beginning. For this, do not push your body forcefully, otherwise the muscles may get strained. Bring it into practice gradually.

These are the benefits you get from Surya Namaskar

Doing Surya Namaskar daily helps in keeping the body completely fit, because in this the postures are done one after the other, due to which it is also helpful in burning calories and you are able to keep the weight under control. . This brings flexibility in your body and provides relief from pain in spine, neck etc. and also relieves stress.

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