When the weather becomes too cold in winter, the problem of stiffness and pain in muscles and joints starts increasing and the pain of people suffering from arthritis starts getting triggered. To get relief from pain, oil can be prepared from some things available at home.
Due to absence of sunlight for many days in winter and very low temperature, apart from minor diseases like cold and cough, people start suffering from stiffness in the body, pain in muscles and joints. Especially for those who are suffering from arthritis, winter season is very troublesome. Cold triggers swelling, redness and pain in the joints of people suffering from arthritis. To get relief from this, it is not right to take pain medicine again and again. You can prepare oil at home.
People who suffer from joint pain in winter should eat food rich in Vitamin D and keep their body well covered, otherwise the pain increases even more. For now, let us know how oil can be prepared for joint pain at home.
Make oil from these things present in the house (Joint pain relief oil)
If you want to prepare oil to get relief from joint pain, then take 4 tablespoons mustard oil, 5 to 6 cloves, one teaspoon celery, 5 to 6 garlic cloves, half teaspoon salt and cook it well on low flame. When its color starts changing, remove it from the flame and leave it to cool and then filter it and store it in a bottle.
Apply oil like this
You can also make this oil slightly lukewarm while applying it and then massage the joints thoroughly with the oil in your hands. This pain relief oil is effective in providing you relief from joint pain as well as muscle pain at other places in the body. This oil can also be used to protect children from cold.
Prepare oil from nutmeg
Add one teaspoon nutmeg in 4 tablespoons mustard oil and also crush some garlic cloves and mix it in it. After this, cook it well while stirring. After it cools down, filter it and store it in a container. This oil is considered very effective in providing relief from joint pain and swelling.
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