In Karnataka, the Siddaramaiah-led state government has fulfilled the demand of the state government employees for the Old Pension Scheme. Along with this, the state government has also issued an order to cancel NPS i.e. New Pension Scheme. The state government has issued a notification saying that government employees appointed before April 2006 will be brought under the purview of OPS.
The state government has made it clear that this scheme will not be applicable to all government employees. OPS will be applicable only to those employees who were recruited before April 2006. Along with this, six conditions have been imposed for the old pension scheme. Only those employees who agree to these conditions can get the benefit of the Old Pension Scheme.
These 6 conditions will be applicable in OPS
-Government employees themselves will have to agree to join the old pension scheme.
-Only employees selected through recruitment notification before April 2006 will be eligible.
-If you are in any old pension scheme then you will not be allowed to change it again.
-If employees are not covered under the old pension scheme, they will continue to be in the new National Pension Scheme.
-Application for the old pension scheme will have to be made only till June 30, 2024.
13 thousand employees will benefit - CM
In this regard, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah shared on social media that - Before the elections, when NPS employees were on strike, I had visited there and promised to fulfill their demands after coming to power. He wrote that we feel that our decision will benefit all 13,000 NPS employees.
Government employees had agitated
Before the assembly elections, government employees had launched a campaign of Vote for OPS. People had said that we will vote for that party which will cancel NPS and implement the old pension system. Siddaramaiah was the leader of the opposition at that time. He had visited the place where state government employees were protesting. He had then promised to fulfill the demand after Congress came to power.
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